Page 93 of Undeniable
“I, um, just woke up. I thought we were going to have breakfast together before you left.”
“Miss me already?” he teased, though I sensed his regret. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part. “I didn’t want to wake you. I’m just getting us some breakfast bowls at the food truck on the beach.”
Okay, so he was close.Now,how to… how to…A thought suddenly occurred to me.
“Can you get me one with cashews?” I asked, hoping he’d recognize my request for the distress signal it was.
“Cashews?” he asked, and then there was a pregnant pause. I prayed he understood.
“Yes, cashews,” I said, repeating the word again. More slowly this time.
My captor waved the gun, urging me to speed up. But I shook my head, my lips firmly sealed. I couldn’t. Wouldn’t.
But I didn’t have to. Connor spoke in a calm tone that betrayed nothing. “Yep. Got it. I’ll be back soon.”
My captor disconnected the call with a vicious grin. His eyes glittered with malice as he slid my phone into his pocket. I could only hope Connor realized something was wrong if I was asking for cashews—a nut I was deathly allergic to.
“Get up,” the man said, urging me to my feet.
This was good—a change of location could be good. It might give me the opportunity to grab a weapon, catch him off guard.
But when he pressed the gun to the small of my back, the cold, hard metal digging into my skin, a chill ran through me. Catch him off guard? The guy might not be much taller than me, but he had a good forty pounds on me. And he was out of his mind.
We made it to the kitchen. Luna was nowhere to be seen, and for that, I was grateful.Stay hidden, Lunakins.
My captor took a seat at the table as if he owned it. “Coffee. Black.”
Some of my fear was replaced by anger. Screw him and his dictatorial attitude. Screw him for putting me in this position. The longer he sat there glancing aroundmyhouse with disdain, the angrier I was.
Even so, I made the coffee in silence. All the while, I tried to work out a plan. I needed to get myself out of this situation before Connor arrived because I knew he’d do anything to protect me. And I couldn’t fathom the thought of him getting hurt again, or worse.
I took a shaky breath, determination coursing through me.
Maybe I could grab a knife? But then what? I would certainly lose against a gun.
I made the coffee, carrying it over to him with shaky hands. I was about to set it on the table, when I decided to “accidentally” knock it over instead. It wasn’t the most original move, but it was all I had at the moment.
Scalding hot coffee splashed on his lap.
“Fucking bitch.” He leaped up, the dark liquid staining his pants.
He shook out his hands, and the gun glinted at me from the table. My heart was pounding so hard, I was surprised he couldn’t hear it. I lunged for the gun, but he quickly overpowered me. He grabbed it and twisted my arms behind my back. I sucked in a sharp breath, tears stinging my eyes both from pain and defeat.
“I was being nice. But that ends now. Sit.” He yanked me down onto a barstool.
He pulled several zip ties from his pocket, binding my wrists behind my back. He reeked of alcohol, and my skin crawled from his touch. Perhaps sensing my disgust, he lifted the gun, dragging it along my neck.
My throat closed up, and tears threatened to fall once more. But I refused to show an ounce of weakness.
“You’re a bit larger than the women I usually prefer, but I might be willing to make an exception.” His deranged smile and bloodshot eyes were haunting.
I flinched at his threat, closing my eyes and turning my head to the side. I just wanted this to be over. I wanted this to be a bad dream. I wanted to open my eyes and be in the kitchen eating breakfast with Connor, Luna weaving through our legs.
“Nice of you to join us.”
I snapped my eyes open—at least part of my wish had come true. I hadn’t even heard Connor come in. He was stoic, detached. Eerily calm.
He gave me one glance, a quick, assessing look. The plastic of the zip ties dug into my wrists, and I tried to wriggle my hand through the tight opening while remaining as still as possible.