Page 19 of His Darkest Desires
"Have you heard from Monica since she left for her assignment in Washington DC?"
He let out a heavy breath. "We've talked and texted a few times here and there, but she's still holding me at a distance. You know after what Frankie's guy did to her in Mexico a few months back, she likes to act like she's all pulled together. But I still see the battered, terrified woman we found that day, peeking through her well-placed mask of strength. And on top of that, the level of frustration that woman causes me in general on a daily basis, I can't help it. I still want her so fucking bad."
Grabbing a hold of my phone, I shook it in the air. "Welcome to my world, brother. Ain’t it great?" Both of us started to laugh at the fact that we were both falling over ourselves over a God damn woman. The one thing I personally swore I would never do. Finally, my phone beeped at me with a text from her.
Sloane:Yes, I did, worry not about your precious car, it's parked at my place while I use mine to head out and meet up with Jared. I'll see you soon.
Slamming my phone back down onto my desk, I shouted out an obscenity in frustration. "Shit!"
"Whoa, is everything okay?" Riker asked, concern in his voice.
I shoved my hand through my hair. "Yes, she's just fine. But I told her to use my car today when she left, knowing she was going to meet that prick, Jared, and she just said that she left it at her place and took her own car to meet up with him."
He chuckled at me. "Boy you're a real territorial asshole, aren't you? You're only pissed because you wanted Jared to see what you're capable of giving her what he's not."
"And you'd sure as shit do the same thing if some guy was a threat to your relationship with Monica."
Ending his laugh quickly, he cleared his throat. "You're God damn right I would. But you are still an asshole. And I never said I wasn't one as well."
"Yeah, well, I want this whole thing over with and that guy out of our lives for good. I don't want to have to worry about him trying to win her back somehow."
Nodding his head in agreement, he said, "I can totally understand that, but the thing you have to think about is,youknow what you're willing to go through to keep her in your life. So, the question is, what ishecapable of if trying to do the same? My advice to you? Don't assume that this guy is just going to just give up on her because she tells him it's over. Sloane is a beautiful, vivacious woman with a caring heart. Not many men are going to be willing to just walk away from that."
Not really liking Riker’s keen observation of my woman, but understanding he only means the best I finally said, "Well, even though I'm not sure I like you being so observant of her, I can appreciate what you're saying. And you're right. I just hope heissmart enough to know he can't compete against me. I made sure last night that she knows no one else will ever make her feel the way I do."
He chuckled. "Dude, you know what's funny? Is you thinking you've got that woman wrapped around your finger. But in reality, it's her that's got you jumping through hoops just to keep her. You are by far one fucked sonofabitch."
Laughing it up some more, he started to get up to head out the door. "You know what I can't wait for?"
"What’s that?"
"When Monica gets back to town, I'll have been through my tormented shit with Sloane, and yours will just be beginning." I leaned back in my chair and propped my hands behind my head with a knowing smirk of what he was in for.
"We'll see about that. Now if you'llexcuseme, I'm going to see if that informationyouwant so badly on your competition is in."
"Thanks, man." I chuckled, knowing that I’d gotten under his skin.
Sitting at my desk, I began to wonder if Sloane was meeting with Jared at the café. Had she taken my Jag, like I told her to, I could find her on GPS. But since she didn't, maybe I need to see about getting some coffee to take my mind off this whole thing. My phone ringing drew me out of my thoughts. Wondering if it was Sloane, I looked down at the caller ID and saw that it wasn’t. "Jennings here."
"Mr. Jennings, it's Summer. Summer Elliot. You talked to me about the attack at the BDSM club?"
"Yes, Miss Elliot, how are you feeling? Is everything okay?"
"No, everything is not okay. I'm scared, Mr. Jennings, really scared, and I need to talk to you tonight. Is there some way you can meet me?"
Hoping this would be the break I'd been looking for to catch this asshole, I said, "Name the place and time."
"There's a bar called the Match Box. Know of it?"
"Yes, I do."
"I'll be there at eight o'clock."
"Okay." As soon as I gave her my one word answer the line disconnected.