Page 24 of His Darkest Desires
Gliding his fingers down my body, he grabbed a hold of my hand, taking it away from my impending self-induced orgasm, and pinned it above my head, causing a whimper to escape me. "Naughty, naughty girl, trying to steal what belongs tome.I think there should be punishment for that. What do you think, angel?"
Wanting to see just how far he would take me into his dark world, I licked my dry lips. "I think so, too."
He took his touch away before barking out his order. "Get up, out of bed." Reaching up to take the blindfold off so I could see where I was moving to, he commanded. "Leave the blindfold on. I'll help you." Taking my hand, he helped me out of the bed and sat back down on it. "I want you to lean over my legs," he said, pulling me forward onto his lap where his stiff cock now jabbed me in my stomach. Running his hand down my back, he asked. "Now why am I punishing you, Sloane?"
I sucked in a deep, ragged breath from the nervous tension that was running ramped through me from the anticipation. "Because I was touching myself with the intention of stealing an orgasm from you without your permission."
Rubbing his hand over my ass, he skimmed the aching area between my legs, that was wet and begging for his attention. "That's right. I'm going to spank you. Do you remember your safe words?"
"What are they?"
"Yellow, for close, and red for limit."
"Good, now count to six with me." As he brought his hand down on my backside the first time, I had been so shocked from the bite of pain, I practically jumped up off his lap, yelling out the number one. Pinning me down with his other arm, he ordered. "Don't move." He landed two more blows before rubbing his hand over the area, causing the pain to morph into pleasure for a split moment before he questioned. "Where are you, Sloane?"
"Green," I said on a breath, getting increasingly wetter by the second.
Landing the last three blows, he rubbed his hand over my backside again, turning the biting pain into a heated pleasure that continued to spread over my body like a warm blanket.
Slipping his hand between my legs, he nudged them apart and sunk two fingers inside of me. "Fuck. You're always so wet for me. You did so good, I think I'm going to allow you to come now. Would you like that, angel?"
Nodding my head, I told him with a strained voice. "Yes, God yes."
Standing up, he tossed me down onto the bed and ordered. "Hands and knees now."
Getting into position, I felt him behind me seconds later as he climbed up onto the bed and entered me in one swift movement, pushing my head down onto the bed with one hand, and gripping my hip tightly with the other, setting me right on the edge of coming. "God Archer, I'm already there. You’re going to make me come."
Bringing his hand to my clit, he began to rub it when he commanded me. "Come for me now, Sloane." Every part of my body broke away as it shuttered from the orgasm that ripped through me, igniting every nerve ending along the way. He continued to pound his cock into me from behind through my orgasm until I finally heard him reach his own release. "Fuck!" Both of us fell onto the bed, trying to get the air back into our lungs after the onslaught of pleasure had sucked every breath we owned out. Laying behind me, he kissed over my shoulder and down my arm. "That was so unbelievably hot tonight, finding you pleasuring yourself like that. I think I came in my pants the second I walked into the room."
I couldn’t help giggling at his comment. "Well, I wanted to give you a lasting impression tonight."
"You sure as hell accomplished that, without a doubt. You looked so beautiful laying in my bed with that blindfold on, touching yourself. I don't think I'll ever be able to get that image out of my head."
I rolled over to face him, kissing him on the lips. "Good."
Wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me in, and we relaxed into each other like our bodies were made to fit together.