Page 39 of His Darkest Desires
When I woke up thismorning, I looked next to me and found the bed empty. Sliding out, I put on a T-shirt and shorts and walked out to go look for Archer, hoping he wasn't still mad about last night. As I padded down the hallway towards his office, I heard him talking to someone. Knocking on his door, it opened up moments later. "Good morning, Sunshine," Slade said with a big smile.
Standing on my tiptoes, I reached up to give him a hug. "Hey Slade, how are you?"
"I'm good, how are you doing, honey? I heard you had a little scare at the club last night?"
Not knowing just how much Slade really knew about Archer's involvement in the club, I looked to Archer for my answer. "I was telling Slade here about how I took you with me to the club last night to see if we could find anything out from the members about these newest attacks."
"Yes," I answered. "I made him take me with him because I wanted to help try and find this psycho who's terrorizing and killing these women, including his childhood friend."
Looking at me like he knew that I wasn’t telling the whole truth, he began to look back and forth between Archer and I with suspicion written all over his expression. "Yeah, well, there's something I think I need to tell the both of you," Slade rubbed the back of his neck, seemingly choosing his next words carefully. "I know that you're a member of The Dark Playroom, Archer."
For what felt like an eternity, neither one of us said anything at this revelation. Then Archer finally spoke up. "How long have you known?"
"For the past month and a half now. I ran into Dominic at my brother’s restaurant and he accidentally let it slip, thinking I had already known from the conversation we were having."
"Hey man, don't be pissed at Dom, he didn't do it intentionally. He honestly thought I knew, which in-reality he really only confirmed what I had already suspected."
Archer let out a heavy breath. "Guess I can't get shit past you. Does Dalton know, too?"
"You mean the biggest controlling Alpha male himself? Yeah, he knows, dude," Slade chuckled. "And hey, he gets it the most, you know how ah..."
Stopping mid explanation, Slade turned to me like he was checking for my reaction to what he was about to reveal, so I decided to inform him of what I already knew. "It's okay Slade, I already know all about Dalton'scontrollingways. I made air quotes with my fingers.
"Yeah, well, we all know how you women like to talk I guess." He responded with a chuckle.
"Okay, now that we have all of that settled, I'm going to go take a shower while you two finish up in here. It was good to see you again, Slade."
As I started to walk out of the room, I heard Archer call my name.