Page 45 of His Darkest Desires
"I already told you that I'm not going to put myself in any predicaments where I am alone with Jared again, so please don't worry about me with him, or near him. It won't happen again, I promise. But just for the record, I don't think he's the same guy as he used to be, Archer."
Bringing her hand to my lips again, I kissed each of her fingertips. "Thank you. It means a lot to me that you do as I ask and realize that I'm just trying to keep you safe." Grabbing her other hand, I repeated the same gesture of kissing each finger, further seducing her. "And don't forget that's one of the biggest parts of our relationship, that you trust me to know what's best for you, and to keep you safe." I finished my speech, pressing my thumb to her lips and gliding it over them, prompting her to open her mouth for me. Understanding what I wanted from her, she closes her eyes on a shaky breath, telling me that I was affecting her the way I wanted to.
I slid my finger in between her warm, wet lips, just how I wanted to slide my cock into her warm wet pussy, and it took all that I had not to rip her clothes off right here and bend her over my desk. But I had plans for her tonight, it required a few things I had at home, so I needed to rein in my control until then.
Not able to handle the pressure my pants were putting on my cock any longer, I pulled my finger free from her mouth and leaned down, taking her in a deep passionate kiss. "Let's go home." I mumbled between kisses.
"Mm hmm." Was all she’d said as a response, letting me know that she was just as ready for me as I was for her. I wanted to take her to the places that only I could.
Entering the penthouse, I gently kissed her lips and gave her a command. "I want you to go into the bedroom, strip out of your clothes, then go into the bathroom and wait for me." When she brought her eyes to mine, I could tell she was more than ready for a littleplaytime, and tonight I’d see just how far I could push her boundaries, starting now. When she told me okay and began to walk away, I gave her one last piece of instruction. "And Angel?" Turning back, she looked at me, waiting for what I would say next. "When I come in there, I want you on your knees in a submissive’s pose, hands behind your back, head down with your knees spread wide. Do you understand me?"
"Yes Archer, I do."
"Good. I'll be in in a minute. I just need to make a phone call."
"Okay." She turned her head away quickly so as not to allow me to see the grin of pure mischief that had spread over her face.
Heading into my office, I shut the door behind me. Looking through my contacts, I finally found the one I need. "Hastings here."
"Hey Nolan, it's Archer."
"Hey Archer, what's up?"
"I need you to do some investigating for me. I had Riker do a background check on a Jared Knight, and he found some very disturbing things out about him. His public records were clean, but he had records that were sealed from when he was a minor."
"Did Riker get into them?"
"Yes, and he found that Mr. Knight did a stint in a psych ward in Scottsdale, Arizona for nearly two years. Seems he had an obsession slash stalking issue with a girl in high school. He was constantly following her around and scaring her. He even broke into her home and put on her undergarments and clothes to be closer to her. The girl's mother found him in her daughter’s bed and called the cops. Then in college when he attended TSU, he had a stalking report filed against him with the campus police. But for whatever reason it was never reported to the local authorities. So I need you to go to Scottsdale, Arizona and see what you can dig up about the girl from his middle school and his stint in the psych ward. Then to San Marcos, Texas and talk to the campus police at TSU and see if you can locate the woman who filed the stalking report. I need to know what was going on and just how dangerous this guy really is."
"Okay, so do you have any of the victim’s names?"
"Yes, the girl from his high school is Stacy Ingram. And the woman from college is Rebecca Simmons. I'll text you their names, and last known addresses."
"All right, got it. What's the interest in this guy anyway?"
Letting out a breath I explained. "Sloane started dating him after we stopped seeing each other, and now that we're back together the guy won't back off and was seen by Gage trying to intimidate her back into being with him. I had Riker do a background check on him and all this came up. Also, someone left a threatening note on Sloane's windshield."
"And you think it was him?"
"Not sure, but I'm not ruling him out yet."
"Well, I will say that I'm glad to see you finally pulled your head out of your ass and realized you had a good thing with Sloane."
"Yeah, yeah, thanks. Now when can you leave?"
“I can leave the day after tomorrow. I just need to finish up the paperwork and a few loose ends on my last job and I'm all yours."
"Great, keep me up to date and let me know as soon as you find out anything.
"Will do. Have a good night."
"You as well." When I turned to head down the hall, I passed by my MP3 player and pushed play, knowing the song that was about to broadcast over the sound system would give Sloane a clear and concise message of just who she belonged to. As I continued on my way to the bedroom, I found her clothes laying neatly over the chair in the corner when I entered the bedroom. Looking into the bathroom, I spotted her on her knees, just as I'd instructed her to be. She faced my direction, so I could enjoy every view of her beautiful body that was on display and allmineto have. The sight of her caused my cock to become strangled by my pants once again. As I stared at her, the only thing that ran through my mind was that no one would take her away from me ever again. If I had to lay down my life to keep her safe, I was more than willing to do so. Stalking towards her, I watched as her breathing picked up the closer, I got, letting me see just how excited she became from my presence in the room alone. It filled my heart with such pride, knowing I could affect her like that. Crouching down in front of her, I tucked my finger under her chin, bringing her eyes to mine. "Are you ready to trust me and give yourself over to me totally and completely tonight, Sloane? Allow me to bring you the kind of pleasure that you know onlyIcan?"
She took a moment before her lips parted with her answer that she'd already given with the scent of her arousal in the air. "Yes, I am."
"That's good angel, because I plan to thoroughly fuck you tonight and give you as many orgasms as I feel you need."