Page 55 of His Darkest Desires
"Okay, a unit is on its way to check out Jared’s' car for any prints." Detective Hamilton informed us, walking back over. "So how well do you know this Logan guy who came to see Sloane?"
Taking in my surroundings, of whom all I wanted to hear this, I looked at Gage. "Why don't you take McKenzie home now, there's no use in her staying here, and then come back and help us."
He gave me a stern look that he knew I was trying to remove him and McKenzie from our conversation, so I assured him. "I will fill you in oneverythingwhen you get back."
He nodded. "You got it boss." Before taking McKenzie back inside the café to gather her things.
Turning back to address the Detective and my partners, who all mostly know about my extracurricular activities, I began. "I know Logan from The Dark Playroom club we both belong to."
The Detective continued to stare at me without an ounce of shock that I belonged to the club. "Well, can't say that I'm surprised by this information, but as far as Logan, how long and how well do you know this guy?"
"We've known each other for about six months now. I don't really know him outside of the club. Most of our activities and time around each other has been within the club. But I've never known him to hurt any woman he took as his sub, nor has any women filed any complaints against him. But the two best people to be answering these kinds of questions would actually be Seth and Dom at the club. They would know more about him than me." Looking at my partners, I didn’t see any judgement in their eyes at my choice of lifestyle and it made me very thankful, especially right now with what was going on with Sloane. The last thing I needed was judgement being passed on me from the ones who meant the most in my life.
"Okay, I say we head over to the club and speak with them, find out if they know anymore about him than what we already know. I have Detective Peterson checking his apartment now to see if there's anything there that can tell us what's really going on here, whether or not he's involved in this whole thing or is only a victim like Sloane."
Looking up in the directionI heard the female voice coming from, I saw Margo step into view, holding a knife. "He was talking to me, sweetie," she said before walking over and cutting the cable ties from his wrists and ankles. Getting up, Logan gives her a long passionate kiss, and I started to wonder how the hell she fit into this whole thing and what was really going on.
"I don't understand. Are you the one who killed all those women, Margo? Or was it Logan?"
Both of them laughed at me like I was some silly little girl who had absolutely no clue about the big bad world. "Boy, you really don't know what's going on, do you?" Margo commented in a snide tone.
“No! And what did you do with Janessa? Is she still alive or did you kill her, too?"
Letting out a chuckled breath, Margo lowered herself closer to my face, putting her finger to her temple in a mocking manner, like she was trying to think. "Well, I can tell you this much, the bitch ain't breathing no more, so yeah, I'm going to say she's dead."
"You fucking, bitch! She never did anything to you! Why did you have to kill her?"
Grabbing my face, her nails dug into my skin. "Because she was too fucking nosy for her own good, just like you." Turning back, she smiled at Logan. "One nosey bitch down, one to go." Looking back to me, she stood up and motioned to him. "Get her up and bring her with us, we’ll need her stupid ass at least for a while. And in the meantime, maybe we can have a little fun with her."
Logan, stalked towards me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder fireman style, and in that split second, I really looked at the pants that he was wearing, and realized it was him all along under the mask that took Janessa. "Why would you do this, Logan? Why would you go along with that bitch?"