Page 60 of His Darkest Desires
I quickly stood back up. “Yes! But he slit her wrists! He fucking butchered her!” I shouted in a panic as I shifted gears from killer back to savior. “What do we do?” I asked him with a shaky voice.
God, please let her be okay.
“Shit!” Dalton yelled as he took off his belt. “Get your belt off! We need to stop the bleeding!” Slipping his belt around the fold of her elbow, he tightened it. “Do the same thing with your belt on her other arm! We need to stop the bleeding and keep her arms elevated above her heart!” Tightening the belts, we moved her hands over her head as I ripped my shirt off and covered her wrists with it, putting pressure on the wounds. “Riker! Go upstairs and make sure the ambulance doesn't miss us, every second counts right now!”
“On it!”
As Riker, ran up the stairs to flag them down, Dalton turned to me. “We need to get her upstairs and out front, so they can get to her right away. You carry her, and I'll keep her hands elevated.”
“Got it,” I answered in a cracked voice.
If she dies, I will never forgive myself, never!
“These two are gone and so is Jared.” Slade informed us.
“Good. Saves me the job of ending them the same way I did Jared,” I said through gritted teeth.
Picking her up carefully, so we didn’t jostle her around too much, we took the stairs one at a time until we finally reached the outside and heard the ambulance sirens grow closer before we watched it come to a halt in front of us, the doors opening and then slamming shut as the two EMT’s made their way over to us. “Sir, set her down on here!” The first EMT said, pointing to the gurney that they had pulled out of the back. After I set her on it, the second one began to check her pulse, and looked under my shirt at the cuts. “These cuts are deep, and her pulse is very weak. We need to get her to the hospital now or we’re going to lose her.” As they pushed the gurney into the back, they hooked her up to some machine. “Did she do this to herself?” The first EMT asked.
Getting into the back with her, I told him. “No. The guy in the house tried to kill her in a murder suicide attempt.”
“Is he alive?” He asked.
“No.” I answered, knowing I made sure he could never hurt Sloane again. “He and the other two are both dead. We’ve called Detective Hamilton already, he's on his way.” I said with worry screaming through my head that she was going to join them, too.
After he started to shut us in, we heard yelling. “Check her arms and neck!” Slade shouted out, running up, drawing our attention to him. “I think he might have drugged her as well. I found this syringe lying on the ground next to the cot,” he handed the syringe to the EMT.
We both began to look her body over for puncture wounds. “Found it!” He yelled, pointing at her neck. “We’ll take this, that way the doctors will know exactly what they're dealing with. We need to go now! Her BP is dropping fast!” He said, shutting the doors and tapping the window to let the other EMT know to take off.
As we rode along, I held her hand in mine and prayed over and over again for God not to take her from me. “Please don't leave me, baby. I love you so much, you can't leave me yet. We never even got started,” I whispered into her ear, hoping like hell she heard me. The ride went by in a blur and before I knew it, we were at the hospital and the back doors were being ripped open and the EMT was telling the doctors about her condition and about the syringe that was found. Then she was being taken away from me for what I had hoped wouldn’t be forever.
As they rushed her gurney down the hall, I stayed with it as long as I could, her hand in mine.
I can't lose her. I will never survive her loss.
“Sir, you'll have to wait here.” The doctor said as her hand was ripped out of mine and the doors swung closed behind her, taking her away from me. The thought of losing her caused my heart to crumble inside my chest.
As I sat there on a bench nearby, everything that had been keeping me together busted wide open and I let the tears laced with fear and pain pour out of me. “Please God, please let her be okay, please.” I cried into my hands.
“Archer!” I heard a woman's voice yell as the clatter of two sets of shoes made their way over to me. Quickly wiping my face clean, I looked up and saw Brooke, and Reyna. “Where’s Sloane? Is she going to be okay? What the hell happened?” Brooke asked as she and Reyna both crushed me with caring hugs that I really needed right now to stop me from breaking apart any further.
“I don’t know if she's going to be okay. Jared, he... he slit both of her wrists and injected something into her. Slade found the syringe next to the cot and gave it to the EMT so the doctors would know what it is and how to treat it along with her wounds.”
Both of them gasped in horror at the description I'd given them; which could never rival the true horror of what I saw today. That would forever be etched in my mind. “Oh my God.” They both said at the same time as tears welled up in their eyes.
“Why would Jared do something like that to her? He seemed so... well not this crazy.” Reyna said.
“He’s in jail I hope?” Brooke said, wiping her eyes with a tissue.
Even though I wanted to shout out the satisfaction that I took his life with my own two hands, I only said, “He's dead. Killed himself the same way he tried to kill Sloane. Logan and Margo were both found dead also.”
“Oh God! He killed himself? I don't understand why he tried to kill himself and her?” Reyna questioned in disbelief.
“I don't know what the fuck that asshole was thinking. All I know is if that beautiful woman dies today, it's my fault. I'm the reason she was with him in the first fucking place!” I shouted, slamming my fist into my thigh, knowing that shit was going to hurt the next time I needed to walk.
“Please don't blame yourself Archer, I know Sloane wouldn't want you to do that.” Brooke said. “I need to call her parents and let them know what's going on.”