Page 62 of His Darkest Desires
Running in the colddarkness is all I seemed to be doing on repeat. Who was I running from, or to? Then I heard his voice.
But where? Where was he and why couldn't I see him. He sounded like he was in pain and all I wanted to do was make him feel better, but how could I when I couldn't find him in all this darkness. “Archer!” I cried out in hopes that he’d call out and tell me where he was, but nothing came. Then suddenly a blinding light shined in my eyes. “Archer, is that you?” I asked tentatively, walking towards the beautiful bright light that felt so warm on my skin. “Archer?”
“Don't leave me baby. Please, you can't leave me.”
I turned around and faced the direction his voice was coming from. “I'm not leaving you Archer; I can't find you! Help me find you!” I yelled back in hopes that he’d somehow appear before me, but he didn't, and I couldn't hear his voice anymore. I was back in the cold pit of darkness once again, a prisoner in a place I couldn’t see. Again, a beautiful warm light shined down on me and I waited to hear his voice again, but I don't. I heard another man's voice telling me not to give up and fight, fight for my life. My life? I thought to myself, confused
Am I dead?
But, how?
I needed Archer. I needed him to tell me that this was all just a nightmare and we were in his bed with his arms tightly around me. Where was he? Where did he go? And then the light disappeared once again. “Sloane, baby, I need you to come back to me.” I heard him say again, and I felt relieved to hear his voice again, and even more determined to find him this time.
“Archer!” I called out once again, feeling a pain I'd never felt before run through my body before my eyes began to sting with a different light shining in them this time. It wasn’t warm like the last one, just bright. “Archer?” I called out, hearing that my voice had now become scratchy sounding.
“Oh my God! Yes, that's it’s baby, come back to me. Open your eyes and see me, Sloane. Come on baby you can do it.” I heard him say as I tried opening my eyes again. “That's it, there she is,” he said, kissing my forehead and hand. “You came back to me thank God you came back.” He chanted, and I could feel his wet tears on my skin.
“Trying to talk, I finally got out. “W-what happened to m-me Archer?”
Kissing my hand again, he leaned over, pushing a button on my side. “I'll tell you soon, but we need the doctor to come in and make sure that you're okay right now.”
Just as he finished saying that, the door opened and in came an older gray-haired man in a doctor's coat. “Well, there she is, glad you could join us again, Sloane. I'm Dr. Sullivan.” As he talked to me, his voice registered as familiar to me. “How are you feeling?” He asked, picking up a chart at the foot of my bed.
“L-like I've been hit by a M-Mack truck. What happened to me?”
Holding a cup of ice chips, he lifted a spoon full to my mouth. “Let them melt in your mouth, it will help with your throat.” Handing the cup to Archer’s outstretched hand, they shared a look of concern. “What's the last thing you remember, Sloane?”
Thinking hard, Janessa’s lifeless body popped into my head. “Oh God, Janessa. Is she... is she okay?” I asked, looking back and forth between Archer and the doctor.
“I'm so sorry baby, but she didn't make it.”
Tears welled up in my eyes and fell over at the thought of my friend dead. “No.” I said as I started to cry.
Wrapping me up in his arms as best as he could with all these wires, they had hooked up to me, Archer did what he could to comfort me. “Shh, I'm so sorry Sloane, so sorry.”