Page 8 of His Darkest Desires
During my conversationwith the woman that was attacked at the club, she told me that it was her inexperienced boyfriend who took her there and snuck her into one of the dungeons, somehow getting lucky enough to miss all the cameras. I wasn’t buying it, though. There was just no way that this guy couldn’t be caught at least one of the video feeds, leaving me to believe that whoever did this to her had threatened her if she talked, and from what I'd seen of her family it would be quite the blow to them to find out their baby girl dabbled in the dark world of BDSM. When I asked her who her boyfriend was, she clammed up and refused to give me his name, further fuelling my hunch that she was lying.
Sitting in my office at home going over all of my notes about Bryn's case, one image kept coming to my mind.
How she looked at me yesterday and the way her body responded to my words and my touch. I needed the feel of her again under my hands and under my control. Not able to sit here thinking about what I couldn't have right now without feeling like a caged animal, I decided to head out to the club and find a woman who looked like Sloane and control her body for the night to curb the hunger I had weaving its way through my veins.
Pulling up to the club an hour later, I headed inside, greeting Dominick, who was always running the front door. "Hey, Dom. How's it looking in here tonight?"
"Hey Archer, good to see you as always, man. It's pretty busy tonight. You come to finally give the subs the release they're always begging their favorite Dom for?"
Chuckling, I answered. "We'll see about that, I'm in the mood for a particular looking woman tonight, though."
"Oh really? Well, I've seen every kind walk in. What look are you in the mood for?"
"One that's no taller than five-foot seven, petite, with chestnut and blonde colored hair, and the most important part. Innocent looking. Seen anything like that walk in here tonight?" I asked, knowing damn well, nothing that innocent walks through these doors very often, or ever.
"As a matter of fact, I did see a woman matching that description almost to a tee just a few minutes ago. She was in heels so I'm not sure about the height, but she definitely has all your other requirements. Especially the innocent factor. She's a guest of one of our other members that brought her and two other newbies with him tonight."
Thinking for a moment if I really wanted the task of breaking someone new to this scene in, I decided that it could give me some practice for when I finally introduced Sloane to this world. "Well, sounds just like what I'm looking for. Did you happen to see which way she went?"
Walking out from behind the desk, he began to search around the room to see if he could spot her. "There!" he said, pointing to the hall with the glass scene rooms. "She's walking down the hall with Logan, a blonde, and a red head."
Knowing the name, I asked. "Logan, brought three newbies? I'm surprised, he usually doesn't dabble in them. He always likes the more experienced subs."
He nodded his head in agreement. "I believe the women are just friends of his that he's showing around. You know how everyone's curious about these kinds of places, that they would never usually go, after that 50 shades book was published."
Rolling my eyes, I agreed. "Yeah, I know, so she went down the scene hall you said?"
"Yeah, that's where they were headed." Patting him on the shoulder, I thanked him and headed off to find this woman who would hopefully give me the distraction and release I needed tonight. Weaving my way through the crowd, I said hello to a few familiar faces and continued on to catch up with my hopeful sub for the evening. Rounding the corner, I searched through the throng of people, watching the scenes that were being played out for their viewing pleasure and finally spotted her. From where I stood, I could only see the back of her, but I could tell Dominick was right. She looked like everything I was looking for, and the dress she has on with those heels was sexy as fuck. Thinking to myself how I was going to really enjoy this little distraction, I moved in closer to get next to her, but then I heard her laugh, and it stops me cold in my tracks.
God no, it can't be her.
She would never come to a place like this, and I knew for a fact she was no friend of Logan's. I moved forward, trying to get a better look at her without being noticed. Just as I’d gotten about twelve feet away, she turned around to tell her friend something and my world came to a screeching halt, tilting on its axis with disbelief sinking into my mind at a rapid pace. "It's really her." I mumbled to myself.
Sloane was really here.
Right in front of me.
Inside these walls of my dark world.
Watching her, I could tell that she felt somewhat uncomfortable and out of place yet interested enough to keep watching the scenes as they walked by. Logan, put his hand on her shoulder, pointing to something and a fire began to burn through my blood like an inferno at the idea that he was putting his hands on what wasmine.
Trying to get my anger under control at the fact that she's here without my guidance and that someone else was touching her, I took a deep cleansing breath and moved to approach her and just lay all my cards out. Even though I wasn’t ready for this, I knew it couldn't wait any longer. I could see that now.