Page 44 of Waves
“This pool was a good idea,” Kai said before he leaned back again.
I settled in beside him and leaned my head back, too. “You won’t feel that way in the winter.”
“Maybe by winter, I won’t need it.”
“As much as I love your optimism, I think I’ll invest in heaters just in case.”
Kai smiled, but he didn’t seem as peppy as usual. He watched his hands while he made small waves beneath the surface. “Are you... feeling all right?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
My flimsy response sounded like a lie, but I really and truly felt okay now. Not amazing, but I was over the embarrassment of last night and feeling weak and stupid and pathetic. A good cry was what I needed to cleanse that out of me. Despite the bullshit I came away knowing I had the most amazingly supportive boyfriend and a friend who I never realized had always been in my corner but apparently liked me enough to cold-cock my enemies without a second thought. I liked to think those positives outweighed all of last night.
Kai still calmly played with the water. Even though I expected him broaching the topic as gently as possible without forcing a discussion, I was done. I wasted enough time and breath on that jerk. After swinging a leg over him, I repositioned myself onto Kai’s lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling his head to mine. “Pretty sure I love you, you know.”
Kai wrapped his arms around me in a hug. “I love you, too.”
I let out a contented sigh while staring back at him. Kai always seemed to know what to do (and even not do) to make me feel better, but that was only part of the reason I loved him. His love always came without conditions or limits. Kai just loved, and I adored that about him.
Kai leaned in closer for a kiss, and I met him halfway, pressing his lips against mine. His hands trickled down my naked back, sending pleasant shivers across my body. By the time he reached my ass, I already latched onto his shoulders and brought our hips together as close as possible. His heart thrummed in his chest, but mine pumped equally fast, rushing blood through every tingling part of my body.
Kai broke away from my lips with a pant. “We can’t do this here.”
“Mm-hmm,” I agreed while pressing even closer and kissing his neck.
“We should probably get out.”
“Pool has a filter.”
Not likely Kai’s concern, but my excuse was apparently enough for him. Kai dipped a hand down the front of my boxer-briefs, freeing my cock for me so the band of my underwear sat like a sling under my balls. I hummed into his lips when he gently massaged them before taking hold of my cock.
Kai rubbed his shaft against mine, coursing pleasure throughout my body. Until I met him, I never would’ve believed sex could get better. Then again, I never really had anyone who focused on the body as a whole like he did. Something about being stimulated in so many places at once ramped up the intensity so what normally would be enjoyable went to spectacular.
My breaths caught in my chest once Kai kissed from my jaw to my neck while softly sliding our cocks around in his hand beneath the surface of the water. Even when touching only one part of me, I could feel him across my entire body. Tingling pleasure flowed down my spine and I immediately rocked into his fist while a soft moan escaped.
Kai brought his lips to my ear and whispered, “No one is going to hear us out here.”
He was right, but something about sex outside would always feel so taboo. Maybe that was why everything about this continued feeling erotic even after I shot cum into the water. Kai kept rubbing my soft tip against his, rolling a whole other wave of sensation to my newly sensitive areas. My whole body trembled and his firm grip on my ass shifted until he slid his middle finger farther down to stroke my taint.
I lifted myself higher to better kiss him, his beard scratching my face in the most delightful way. Kai broke away from my lips, panting against my cheek while the muscles in his abdomen fluttered against mine. Hearing his orgasm build was so fucking hot. Everything from the length of his shaft sliding against mine to a finger dangerously close to entering me to the warmth of the water and the heat of his breath on my skin; all of this combined elicited a full-bodied burst of pleasure from me. The sudden intensity took me so much by surprise, I dug my fingers into the flesh of Kai’s back. He groaned, and I moaned with him, this time so much louder than I did just a few moments ago.
Kai wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled his face closer to mine as soon as we could breathe, kissing me slow and deep while he stole my breath all over again. When he pulled away, his smile returned, only appearing almost haughty now. “I like it much better when we do it this way.”
“How come?” I teased, my lips curling into a wide grin.
Maybe from my half-assed joke or maybe because Kai still got flustered at times with me, his smile threatened to reach past his pink cheeks to his red ears. He shook his head and rested against my neck so his lips mumbled against my skin. “You finish much faster.”
I giggled at seeing him so bashful, but I couldn’t argue with him. When he was right, he was right.
* * *
Another blissful evening passed until the sixth day, where I woke to Kai still in bed beside me. He seemed to be doing well thanks to going in the pool, or maybe he held out this long due to sheer will. Despite what I said earlier in the week, Kai managing to double his time with me since his last visit filled me with relief. Sure, I knew he had to leave eventually, but I didn’t want him to go back... ever. I wanted him nice and safe here with me and for every morning to start with him lying next to me. The longer we could delay the inevitable, the better.
Kai stretched once he woke, rolling across the mattress when he noticed the phone in my hand. “What are you doing?”
“Mar texted to see if I want to meet up for lunch, but I’m going to pass,” I said while typing.