Page 55 of Waves
I took a breath, but oxygen did nothing to improve my nerves. My hands shook harder and my voice became gravelly once I spoke slower. “I need you... and Eric... to come here... now.”
Static then wind came through on her end, likely from walking while we talked. “What’s wrong?”
I couldn’t even begin to verbalize the situation and the sound I managed came across as a whimper while I looked at Kai. Even if I tried not to think of what I saw, I couldn’t look away. Using the blanket, I applied pressure and tried to stem the slow bleeding.
More swishing came through the phone as Mary moved, and Eric mumbled in the background. “It’s going to be okay, honey,” Mary reassured. “I’m bringing the Glock.”
“No,” I choked.
“I’m not saying I’m going to shoot Thom if he’s there, just scare him a little.”
“No, Mar, it’s Kai.” My voice wobbled at the end of my sentence, and my breathing clipped. I would lose it over the phone if I had to keep talking.
“Kai?” A car door slammed on her end, and the engine started. Eric must be driving.
“He’s hurt... really bad... and I can’t...” I gulped back tears, but my sentence never got finished. I hadn’t moved from kneeling beside the couch and I petted Kai’s hair while I watched him. My only consolation was his body softly rising and falling still.
“Okay, Eric says, ‘Fuck the man and his speed limits. Our ETA is seven minutes.’ Is the garage open?”
“Yeah. Door’s unlocked.”
“Okay, you just hang tight. Help is on the way.”
The phone buzzed in my ear, and I looked at the screen to see the call dropped while they passed through the one dead zone in our town. Eric must be flying to be there already, but he was determined to make a fifteen-minute drive in half the time.
I sniffled some more and tucked a strand of hair behind Kai’s ear. He grumbled and shifted as if he intended to get up. “Don’t move, babe,” I said as calmly as I could manage. “Just lie still, okay?”
“Cold,” he mumbled with his eyes still closed.
“I know.” I peeked over at his back. The bleeding hadn’t seeped through the blanket which hopefully meant the wound coagulated, but he definitely would need stitches. For an injury of this size, I felt lucky he wasn’t bleeding out on my couch or mentioning any pain.
“Ezra?” Kai sighed into the cushion.
“Yeah, yeah,” I whispered, taking his hand in mine, so he knew I was really there.
“How long’s it been?”
I set my head gently against his. “Not even a full day.” I smiled, but there was still a hitch in my voice.
Kai exhaled, seemingly content. “I tried really hard this time.”
“I know you did,” I said, squeezing his hand tighter. “I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.”
The door opened behind me, and Ishmael ran past us in a streak of black fur, his angry bark echoing. He quietly kept guard from his doggy bed until now, but he leaped up onto his hind legs and barked at Eric while he walked in behind Mary.
I turned towards the kitchen to throw my voice in his direction. “Dammit, Ishmael, you know them. Go lie down.”
Ishmael let out a soft growl, still watching Eric when he sulked back to his dog bed. He curled up with Mr. Lobster by his chin and watched Eric’s every move.
“What the heck happened?” Mary asked once she walked over to the living area.
“I need a huge favor,” I said, looking directly at Eric. “Kai needs stitches.”
“Okay, so let’s get him in the car.” Mary thumbed at the kitchen door and began walking.
“No, we can’t.”