Page 28 of Devour
“Let me out,” I muttered, trying not to appear visibly irritated. After Rhory moved, I addressed Asher. “If the waitress comes, please order me some wings. I’ll be right back.”
Rhory sat back down, the metallic shake shake shake of his bouncing leg audible even while I walked away. I headed for the bathroom, letting myself into the only metal stall and not bothering to lock the scratched and dinged door. After about five minutes, the door creaked open and Rhory stalked into the stall with me. Allowing him to tune into thoughts at will had some advantages.
Here we were, hiding in a bathroom to be alone, again. We even met in a bathroom, technically. Never would’ve imagined we would be friends all these years later. Or that Rhory was a demon. When most people thought of demons, they pictured some huge, horned, hyper-masculine beast. And then there was my favorite demon: a slutty, e-boy bottom who liked to hear he was a good boy. Never saw it coming, which was why I never stood a chance.
“I told you to go feed,” I said again.
“I did.” So growly. Kind of impressed he hadn’t thrown himself at me already.
“You’re so needy,” I teased, leaning past him and locking the stall door. “I can’t take you anywhere.”
“C’mon, I’ll be quick.” His whining sounded more like a croak.
You’d snack all day if I let you.
“Yes, I would,” he verbally agreed.
We didn’t have all day, though. Time to expedite the process. We had places to be, and I was hungry, too. Unlike him, I needed actual sustenance. I couldn’t get by on this alone.
“Maybe I should let you suffer. Teach you a lesson.” Even though I decided how to handle this, I made sure not to think about it.
“It’s not my fault.” Rhory edged closer and closer with every rumbling word. “Harder to get full these days.”
“Then stop snacking so much. Ruins your appetite.”
He pouted.
I couldn’t keep a straight face any longer. Rhory got right on top of me, his eyes raking over me while he stood only inches from my face. Before he could swoop in and close the distance, I scooped my arms under his thighs. His fingers clung to my shoulders while I held him in the corner of the stall, his face flopped forward while his chest rapidly moved against mine. Yes, I caught him off guard. Yes, that was the plan all along. Couldn’t waste all night in here.
Rhory panted hard in my ear, simultaneously trying to inhale and exhale. He’d never been too excited to feed before and that… uh… did quite a bit for me. His warm breaths hitting my skin heated me to my core.
“You’re thinking about fucking me,” Rhory rasped.
And I made sure he knew it. Letting him in purposefully could have distinct advantages. Didn’t matter that I never would. A passing thought and one acted upon could fill the same. Rhory squirmed closer with a deep inhale, and I pressed back harder with my pelvis. Just once. Just enough to pin him in place against the walls of the stall while my fingers sank into the warm flesh of his bare thighs.
Rhory began hyperventilating—trying and failing to inhale as much as he desperately wanted. His whole body quivered and…
“And you’re done.” I eased him back down and leaned past him to unlock the door.
Rhory didn’t fight me, but he didn’t let go, either. He clung onto my arms as if I were the only thing keeping him from becoming a puddle on the floor.
“Oh, I finished all right,” he mumbled.
“Same difference,” I said with a smirk.
Rhory once again appeared flushed and sounded winded when he spoke. Not growly, though. My work was done.
* * *
Over the last few weeks, I’d developed a bit of a problem. And by a bit of a problem, I meant a huge fucking problem. Catastrophic, even. I… could not get full. I could feed and feed, and… still hungry. Nothing else satisfied me. Well, not nothing. I should say, no one else satisfied me.
Ever since the day when Eli and I met with Ash, I could not achieve a feeling of fullness. This was a very new and very unique problem for me. At first, I thought maybe I needed to take a break from snacking so often. Kind of like, jerking off so much one gets desensitized to anything else. That did not fix the problem.
Then I concluded it must be because of what happened in the bathroom. Not once in years of snacking on Eli (or feeding on anyone, if we’re being honest) had anything like… that… happened. No, not too shy to call a spade a spade. My existence was based on debauchery, and I was familiar with orgasms, thank you very much. If an emotional crash equivalent existed, but for an emotional high, that might come close. Still, never happened to me before or since. As it turned out, that also was not the problem. I snagged a few snacks from hubby since then and got the same relief as usual.
The problem was… me… or Eli… or maybe both of us. I could snack on him once and feel satisfied after. Which made no sense whatsoever, since basking in Eli’s emotional output should only be a slight step up from secondhand. I knew he wouldn’t let me touch him. And he certainly wasn’t going to touch me, even if he really, really wanted to sometimes. Yet, I could go on a firsthand binge elsewhere and… still unsatisfied. I’d only feel full after visiting Eli for a quick snack.