Page 26 of There I Find Hope
Chapter 11
A whine made Sunday’s head snap up. She hadn’t been paying any attention at all as she walked down the sidewalk toward the beach.
But now, the Great Pyrenees that typically hung around town stood in front of her, his tail wagging, his face tilted to the side. His eyes worried.
She’d never thought that a dog could have worried eyes, but this one definitely seemed concerned.
“What’s the matter?” she asked, slowing her stride and reaching out to put her hand on the dog’s head.
He was a common sight around Strawberry Sands, but as far as she knew, no one owned him and everyone took care of him.
He whined, licked her hands, and then looked off to the side.
He was glancing at the pasture field, and Sunday followed his gaze.
She didn’t see anything, but her eyes swept the field again. She didn’t know where the horses were, but there weren’t any in sight.
Except, the dog whined again, shoved his nose into her hands, and pushed it toward the fence.
“I know. My brother owns that field, but I’m not going to just walk through it. I’m going to stay on the path where I belong.” So odd that it seemed like the dog wanted her to go into the pasture field. That was so strange.
Then, she heard something that wasn’t quite a whinny but seemed to be some kind of animal sound.
The dog whined again.
And then, movement caught her eye. Just behind a hump in the field, she thought she saw something move.
The dog didn’t have to convince her to go over the fence. Sunday had grown up on the farm, and while they didn’t have horses back when she was a kid, and she didn’t have much experience with them, she’d helped Matt out a few times and had been riding more than once.
She loved it, and so had Blake.
She stumbled a bit at the thought of her son, but the sound came again and she hurried on.
As she got closer to the hump, she could see better and realized that there was a horse lying on its side. One foot stuck out of its rear end, making it obvious it was in labor.
Immediately, she grabbed for her phone and found her brother Matt’s contact.