Page 1 of Shameless
Gadolinium 2724 AD
Star portals have existed since the dawn of time. Doorways between worlds in this galaxy and others.
On Earth, they can be found at the convergence of ley lines, those invisible electromagnetic paths crisscrossing the globe. Our ancestors discovered them thousands of years ago. Used them to travel to the farthest reaches of the universe.
Flourishing ancient civilizations didn’t die out, as we once believed. The people of Atlantis, the Sumerians, the Mayans – when tragedy struck their homelands, they simply migrated through the portals to places where fresh water flowed and crops grew abundantly.
Human beings descended from our common ancestors are alive today on a trio of planets thousands of light years away located in a cluster of seven stars. Islands of stability in the universe where vast quantities of natural resources and rare minerals abound.
Neodyma. Iridia. And the icy world farthest from the warmth of its twin suns Phalyx and Zalyx – Gadolinium.
Chapter One
“I’ll be back before half-moon.”
“Can’t I come with you? I hate being here alone. No matter how many furs I pile on it, the bed is still cold without you to warm it.”
“Have you not yet learned that my decisions are not to be questioned? And remember – no lingering there for hours on end while I’m gone.”
Haldor’s voice had taken on the stern note that always sent decadent shivers down her spine. He held out his arms. “Now, come and kiss me goodbye like a proper wench.”
She laughed and threw herself at him. “A proper wench? Is that what I am?”
His lips captured hers in a fierce kiss, leaving her breathless. He drew back and grinned. “You will be one day. But I fear it may take years of training – and discipline.” He gave her naked ass a playful swat and headed out the door.
“Ouch!” She turned away and rubbed her cheeks with both hands. His huge palm had covered her entire bottom with one whack, bringing back memories of yesterday’s session over his knee.
* * *
She groaned and burrowed under the covers. Neither of the suns would be up for hours. No matter what the clock said, she hadn’t gotten used to starting her day in darkness.
His heavy stride thudded across the wooden floor. The covers were wrenched away. She huddled into a ball. “Noooo!”
“Up with you, woman.”
She pulled a feather pillow over her head, trying desperately to ignore the booming voice.
“Come now, Selena. How can you be my love goddess if you lie in bed with the covers over your head all day?”
“All day? Even if we did see the suns in this cursed season, they wouldn’t even be peeking over the horizon right now.”
He laughed. “I’m heading into the forest to gather more firewood. I don’t want to worry about you ever being without light and warmth. Get dressed and come with me. The fresh air and exercise will do you good.”
“Fresh air?” She threw her pillow at him. “It’s so cold out there, I canseethe air when I breathe it out. Where I come from, air isn’t meant to be seen. It’s meant to surround your body in a mantle of perfect temperature. Never too hot. And definitely never cold.”
“There is no bad weather – only bad clothing.” He tossed her a fur-lined wool cloak. “That’s what my old nana used to say when I complained about the winter’s chill as a lad. Put this on, and you’ll never feel it.
“I don’t know how you Earthers bear the monotony of living in those domes. How can a man savor the warmth of a hot fire and an even hotter wench if he never feels the cold? Oh, I forgot – those pitiful creatures aren’t really men anymore.”
Selena bristled. “Stop it. That’s not true. Just because they aren’t either having sex, thinking about the sex they’re going to have, or bragging about the sex they had last night doesn’t mean they’re not men. There’s more to life than sex.”
“That’s not what you said last night.” He gave her a comical leer. “I swear I heard you thanking the gods for a real man while begging me to think about nothing but sex.”
She blushed. Even after all their time together, the mere thought of the once-forbidden things she said and did when he aroused her still made her feel deliciously naughty. “You promised me you wouldn’t mention the things we do unless we’re alone in our bed. I nearly died of shame when you made that comment in front of Talia and Kylar last week.”