Page 100 of Rule the Roost
“Let it out, baby. Let it all out, because we’re not close to done, unless you need a break.”
“Small break,” I begged weakly. “I can keep going if we stop for a minute.”
My arms were untied, and I was brought into his arms, his tongue clucking as he fussed over me. “Maybe that’s enough tonight.”
“No, Sir. I’m okay, I just feel like my legs are going to give out.”
He helped me to the bedroom, and we lay on the bed. I was stomach down as he touched me gently, rubbing a hand up and down my back after he took out the plug of ginger. The burn stopped the second the ginger was taken.
“Ginger. How’d you think of that?”
“I told you, I read a lot,” he whispered, laughing. “I subscribe to a kink newsletter, I have several books too. Figging, as it’s called, is infrequently used, but raved about in certain circles.”
“I’ve never had it done to me. It’s intense, but the paddle…fuck.”
“Hurts. I know, I slapped it over my thighs once to see what it felt like,” he purred. “The thought of you feeling that, taking it, it made me crazy.”
“I almost got to subspace, but the ginger kept me grounded. That was a strange sensation, but…it made me so hard. I wanted to fuck.”
He laughed and explained, “It’s known for that. Painful but arousing. I have more of it in the bowl, and there’s more I’m going to do with it, once your break is finished.”
After he gave me water and rubbed a thick layer of arnica into my skin, he turned me over to my back and kissed me for at least ten straight minutes.
Making out with him was one of my all-time favorite things. The way the man kissed curled my toes. I felt him, all of him, all his emotion, his love, and tenderness in those kisses, and when his hand wrapped my cock, stroking easily, he told me we were about to continue.
“Break is over, Kan. Unless you say the word.”
“I’m good to go, Sir. Make me fly, Sir. Please.”
“Make you fly, yeah,” he whispered on my lips. “I’m going to make you fly and then some.”
He left me to head back into the bathroom, and while gone, I felt my body screaming with the paddling I’d gotten. That ache was deep in the muscles of my ass, but being on my back now, I wondered what else he planned.
I didn't have to wait long to see, as he carried in the bowl with the ginger.
As he approached, I felt myself tensing, but then something happened that shocked me.
Watching him walking slowly to the bed, his eyes on me, tongue swiping over his top lip, I felt his dominance, and as that radiated from him, I did start to fly.
It started in my legs, how they lost the pain from the paddling and became…lighter. Not numb, as I could feel them, the ache seeping down each thigh from the paddling. Floaty, feathery, like I could lift from the bed and hang above it, suspended in the air.
Moving up me, my torso soon felt it, then my arms, and when I saw the curtain ties slung over his shoulder, knowing I was soon to be bound, sent my mind along with my body.
My wrists were taken roughly, tied with the pulls, my ankles as well, and then Rick crawled over me, holding a hand on my throat as he stared hard down at me, his eyes slits. “Mine. My boy, my man, my slut. I love feeling you take my pain, Kanan. I love how strong and beautiful you are, and yet you submit to me. I’ve never felt this way before in my life.”
I couldn’t speak. It was as if my tongue didn’t fit in my mouth, but I nodded to him as I felt tears slipping from my eyes to run over my temples and into my hair. His words rattled me as much as his strong hands as they began to knead my flesh and slap at my chest.
“I love you, Kanan. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone not my child. You’re everything to me, you fucking slut,” he said with a laugh as he leaned in to bit my shoulder.
I was manhandled like a piece of meat, and that’s what I was for him right then, a piece of meat he controlled, he played with. I wanted to be that for him, to let him enjoy his kink and use my body.
When he moved off me and positioned himself to the side of my hip, I tensed, but that tension was washed on a wave as I began to float higher. He took my cock in his tight grip, stroking me as he stared at my face. “Pretty baby you are when you’re being used.”
I groaned as he vocalized how I felt. I did feel pretty, felt beautiful in fact, being on display for my Dom. “Sir,” I croaked and then swallowed back more sobs.
From the bowl, with the hand not stroking my cock, he produced another piece of ginger, but it was much thinner than the other plug he’d placed in my ass.
It was so much thinner that there was only one place it could possibly go.