Page 116 of Rule the Roost
He chuckled then grew overly serious. “It should have been me.”
“What? Rick!”
“No, I’m serious. There I was, watching the sex show, getting all crazy and you were being assaulted.”
I grabbed his hand and held it tightly, hoping to convey how serious I was. “Rick, I wasn’t being assaulted. He told me that the guy he’s with tonight, that he’s not cheating. The one he cheated with dumped him and I am pretty sure he was trying to talk his way back in with me. That’s it.”
Staring out of the windshield, nodding slowly, Rick’s voice was low and shaky. “I see. Would that interest you?”
“Look at me right now.” He did, though he didn’t want to meet my eyes. “Rick, I’m crazy in love with you. We have a family now. Please, Rick, don’t ever think I regret being with you, or that you were some rebound or second choice. You’re not. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a man. You’re sexy, handsome, sweet, smart and devoted. Hear that? Devoted! I really don’t love him anymore, and I surely don’t want to go back to him. How would I ever trust him if I did want that?”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m surer of being with you and the boys than I’ve been sure of anything in my entire life. Rick, I’m in love with you. Period.”
He exhaled long and loudly, then ended that with a chuckle. “Okay. I believe you, I’m just…you know we both still have those issues.”
“I know. I’m not mad at you about worrying. I would be too.”
“Good to know, because, like I said, I’m going to have to speak to my ex. I do want all of what we spoke about.”
“I want all of it too.”
He brought my hand up to his mouth and kissed my fingers. “Okay, well, let’s go back in there and show him exactly what he’s missing.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m going to ask if your next performance can include me and only me, and it will have little to do with dancing.”
I felt butterflies in my gut. “Rick, I was surprised when you came without a mask. A public show? Are you sure?”
“I’m with you and friends. I already said I’m not running again. I have something else to devote my time to.
“Then I guess we’re doing a show.”
“We are.”
He ran into the club to get my shoes and coat, and was back quickly, and with the added bonus of gossip. “Well, seems like Jeffery and his…date?”
“Seems like they had their membership revoked. I read the fine print, because it’s part of my job to know everything, but I guess he didn’t. Continually hitting on a man who is knowingly taken by a Dom or sub is against the rules. It seems Damon and Burke wrote that as one of the first rules, to keep the peace.”
“I…didn’t want that. I don’t want him to think I wanted that. It would make him think I couldn’t handle seeing him, but that’s not the case. He annoys me, but that’s it.”
“Well, he struck a deal with them. He wouldn’t press charges on Joel if they didn’t revoke his membership. They didn’t like it, but they agreed, if and only if he stayed completely away from you.”
“He’d want to stay? Knowing Joel was about to beat his ass?”
“Burke agrees with me that he’s after you. He wants you back.”
Before we could say another word, movement by the side of the club caught my eye and my breath caught in my throat. Ryan and Brett were walking with Jeffery and his date.
Ryan Callahan was a big man, towering over the other three, but it was Brett that stood out in front, pointing a finger in Jeffery’s chest, though he didn’t seem to be screaming.
“What is going on there?”
I didn’t want to tell him that he had a member of a mafia family in his town, but I also couldn’t lie to him. “Rick, can we put this conversation off for tonight?”