Page 122 of Rule the Roost
Rick’s eyes were following someone behind me, so I turned and didn’t see who he could possibly be watching. “Rick?”
“That’s my new manager.”
I looked but still didn’t see who he meant.
“That one, there, with the black cowboy hat.”
I found him then, and my eyes widened. “Him? You hired him?”
“Yes! I didn’t know he was gay or a member here. This is…awkward.”
The man was big, beefy, and sexy. I could tell he was gay right off, but I had a gaydar that had been working well most of my life. “Well, he’s…something, as Joel would say.”
“Watch it, boy,” he growled at me, getting me hot all over again.
“Sorry, Sir.”
Then, the man started to head over to the table, and I knew Rick was feeling strange about it. “Hey, uh, boss,” he said to Rick, then nodded to Travis, Lonnie, and me.
“Jace, hey. Didn’t know you…were…”
“Gay or into leather?” he asked, but his nervous laugh told the tale that he was as nervous as Rick about being at Cowpokes.
“Exactly. I hope we can keep this to ourselves?”
“I was just gonna say, boss. No problem. I’m not gonna say a thing to anyone at the farm.”
He reached his arm past me to offer it to Jace, who took it and shook it while saying to us. “Great show.”
“Jace, this is my partner, Kanan, and our new friends, Travis and Lonnie Walton.”
“Nice meetin’ all of you. I’d better get back to my date. Take care and see you Monday.”
“See you then.”
Travis laughed and teased, “I take it he didn’t list spanking as a skill or used any leather daddies for references.”
“No, he sure didn’t.” Rick looked a little more at ease. “Still…weird. It’s going to make for uncomfortable meetings for a couple weeks.”
“Let me come,” I suddenly asked out of the blue. “You’ve only shown me the farm a couple times. I’d like to go see the whole thing, learn a little of it so maybe I can help you more.”
“I’d really love that. Come with me Monday. You can always be a go-between for me and my new manager.”
“I was thinking the same thing.”
Chapter Thirty-Three
Wemadelovehalfthe night and woke early to the sounds of men playing outside our little cabin. Burke, Damon, and Joel had five of them, small two-room cabins lined up to the side and the back of the guesthouse. They were modernly furnished, with bamboo paneled walls and lightly colored tiled floors.
The bed was huge, a king, but I’d slept snuggled up with Rick all night. I couldn’t stand to be away from him for a moment. Rick commented on the noise. “What can people be doing?”
“Riding horses, walking, fucking in the woods, I think I even saw a frisbee match last time the club was open.”
“Nice. This is what I wanted. Let’s get a shower and join them.”
“If I can move,” I groaned. “I’m sore!”
“Where?” he asked with a dark chuckle.