Page 79 of Rule the Roost
“Ew. I don’t want that, total transparency.”
“Good,” I said then continued slowly. “We might hit a few bumps as we’re getting used to each other in this new way. I don’t want you to feel like some failure.”
“Have you met me? I’m an overachiever. Why do you think I started lessons with Burke in the first place? I want to be the best.”
Then it struck me. I’d been so freaked out that couple months back when I saw Jeffery that I had never let Rick process that. He’d seen Jeffery, with those perfect clover-colored eyes and deep dimples on his squared, handsome face. Yeah, I had been neglectful to think that hadn’t gotten to him. “You’re better in bed than him, so I have no doubts you’ll be better in the playroom.”
“Yeah?” he asked, then laughed. “You’re just saying that.”
“No. I swear. Bigger dick, too.”
“That, I believe,” he said, then winked at me before he pulled out on the main road. “I’m…crazy that way. You wanted to see my faults, well…”
“That’s not a fault, Rick. You wanting to be the best, it’s what’s driven you to be the best businessman, mayor, father, and not in that order.”
“Okay, enough flattery from your side. How about I throw some out for my handsome date?”
Rick was an overachiever, and it showed by the plans he’d made for the night. The diner, my old diner, was closed by nine each evening, but when we pulled into the parking lot at eight -thirty, the place was dark. “Why are they closed?”
“Let’s go see.”
I could tell he had something up his sleeve, so I got out of the car and met him on the sidewalk. He knocked on the door and before I knew it, Gwen appeared, unlocking the door for us. “Mr. Mayor, and his date, come on in.”
“Mr. Mayor and his date?” I asked her, laughing. “You knew about this? We spoke on the phone last night, Gwen!”
“I’m no snitch,” she whispered.
After leading us to the only set table in the place, one in a corner that was next to the window that looked out over the mountains, she waited for Rick to pull out my seat for me.
“What a gentleman you are, Mr. Mayor.”
“I try,” he said with a wink to her. As he took the seat next to me, he grabbed my hand. “I don’t want you to think I’m hiding you, being I bought the place out. I’m sure, while working here, you saw I’m never left alone long. I wanted you all to myself. In fact, if you ever think that, I’ll put out a full page ad in the paper.”
I hadn’t thought that, but I was happy he explained. “You’re very new to this, Rick. Don’t second guess every single thing you might think or feel. You might not want to announce it to the world right now. Hiding, no, that wouldn’t be great, but right now, move slowly. We’ve moved a little fast.”
“We have. I’ve never lived with anyone I wasn’t married to. Not that I wouldn’t…you know!”
“Rick! It’s okay! Like I just said, stop second-guessing yourself. If I have an issue with something you’re doing or not doing, I’ll let you know.”
After kissing over my knuckles, he whispered, “I have no doubts. You’re a very strong man, Kanan.”
“Then trust me.”
“I do. Which is why I’m trusting that you’ll…trust me with the rest of the night.” He let go of my hand and reached under his seat to pull out an envelope. “These are…some things I will insist upon, and I can’t second guess it.”
“What are they?” The first thing to go through my mind was a pre-nup, even though we weren’t planning on marriage.
“You are very giving, very trusting, Kanan. While I’m happy you trust me, you need to have your interests looked after, as do I. These are some contracts. One is for the lifestyle. It’s not legal, but I’m told important.”
I exhaled my held breath. “Oh. Okay, and?”
“And one for us to get some things straight as far as money goes.”
I nodded and my eyes dropped to the table. “Oh.”
“Kanan, I want to take care of you, and that is that stupid toxic male shit, maybe, but I still feel it.”
I looked back at him, offended, hurt, and angry, but he simply pointed to the documents.