Page 28 of Wicked and Wild
No, surely not.Samtried her best to push the strange thought away and concentrate on the task at hand—which was jerking theBeastoff so hewouldn’twant to breed her.
Shesucked the broad head into her mouth and continued to swirl her tongue around and around it as she pumped the huge cock with both hands.Soon, she was sure—theBeasthad to comesoon…
Butjust as she was certain he was about to shoot his load, she felt a huge, hairy hand on her shoulder.Lookingup, she realized theBeastwas pushing her gently but firmly away.
“What…what is it?”Shewiped at her lips and swallowed the spicy precum he’d leaked in her mouth. “Whatdo you want now?”
TheBeastlooked down at her and she could see how his golden eyes were gleaming in the moonlight.Heopened his jaws—which shouldn’t have been able to utter a single intelligible word—and spoke.
“Mine…” he growled in that deep, rumbling voice. “Breednow…Claim.”
“Uh…breed?”Itwas exactly whatSamhad been afraid of…and yet was she also longing for it?Surelynot!Butshe couldn’t help flashing back to fantasies she used to have when she was younger.Fantasiesabout what might have happened inBeautyand theBeastif theBeasthad never regained his human form…
“Breed…now!”theBeastdemanded and his eyes flashed.
“Okay, okay!”Samheld up a hand to him. “Butplease…go slow.R’orn, if you can hear me, make him be gentle!” she begged. “He’sso big—Idon’t know how he’s going to fit!”
Well, she’d better find a way tomakehim fit if she wanted to survive this!Slowly, she reached under her pleated skirt and pulled her panties down—noticing as she did so that they were extremely damp.Washer pussy really getting that wet?Shesupposed she was about to find out—or theBeastwas going to find out for her.
Ittook a minute to get the tangled panties over herDocMartins, but at last she managed.Then, feeling more frightened and excited than she ever had in her life,Samturned around and got on her hands and knees.
“Allright,” she said and spread her legs. “I…I’mready.”
Fora long moment, nothing happened.Samcould feel the tall grass she was kneeling in tickling her bare breasts and tight nipples and brushing the insides of her thighs, which were wet with her juices.Shecouldn’t believe this was turning her on, but she had to admit that it was.
Shewaited for theBeastto mount her, but when he finally crouched behind her it wasn’t the pointed tip of his cock she felt—it was his long, hot tongue.
“Oh!” she gasped as he bathed her pussy with a long, leisurely lick.Andhe wasn’t done yet.Shecould feel theBeast’sbroad, hot tongue exploring her, parting her pussy lips to slide deep into her inner folds.Whenit rubbed over her swollen clit, she couldn’t help moaning and backing to meet it…just a little.God, that felt good!
Itreminded her of howR’ornhad devoured her for hours.He’dsaid that hisBeastwanted to taste her too.Anew thought entered her head.
Maybethis is all he wants—just to taste me.MaybeifIhold still and open my pussy for him, he’ll be content just to lap my pussy the wayR’orndid!
“Allright, big guy,” she said, turning her head to look back at the huge, furry form crouched behind her. “Iknow what you like…and you can have as much of it as you want.”
TheBeastwas still nosing under her skirt, butSamflipped it up for him, baring herself completely.Spreadingher thighs wider, she arched her back and pushed her ass up and out, giving theBeastunrestricted access to her wet, open pussy.
Hegave a low, interested growl and then she felt the tip of his hot, wet tongue find the mouth of her pussy and slip inside.Samgave a little gasp of surprise as it slid inward—God, it was almost as big as a cock!No, it wasbiggerthan a cock—at least bigger than any guy she’d ever been with!Shecould feel it stretching her inner walls as the tip of it slid even deeper, to the end of her channel.
Itwas a strange but extremely pleasurable sensation.Sammoaned and widened her stance even more.
“Yes,Beast!” she gasped breathlessly. “That’sright—tonguefuck me!Fillme up with your tongue!”
Shewas getting close…she could feel it.Thelong, hot tongue seemed to be everywhere.Howcould theBeastfill her with it and still be able to lap her throbbing clit at the same time?Samdidn’t know, but somehow he was managing it.
Witha low moan, she felt herself slip over the edge and start to come.
“Oh…oh,Beast!Oh,R’orn!” she gasped as her inner walls spasmed around the long, hot tongue. “OhGod, you’re making me come!Thatfeels so good!”
TheBeastseemed to enjoy her orgasm.Shecould feel him licking and thrusting inside her even as she came, tasting her juices eagerly as they gushed out of her.She’dalways had an extremely wet pussy—some of her old boyfriends had said she wastoowet and it put them off.ButtheBeastseemed to love it.Hetonguefucked her until at last, the orgasm was over.
“Ohhhh,”Sammoaned softly.Lookingbehind her, she saw that theBeastwas withdrawing at last.
Shecouldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.Washe done already?R’ornhad gone down on her forhours.Itwas really surprising that hisBeastwas so easily satisfied.