Page 35 of Wicked and Wild
“Oh,R’orn!” she moaned as she felt the wide head bottom out inside her.“You’rein me so deep!”
“Asdeep asIcan go, baby,”he growled, gripping her hips and beginning to thrust slowly in and out of her.“Untilyou take my knot, that is.That’swhenI’llbreed you andBondyou to me all over again.Nowbe a good girl and ride me—Iwant to feel your sweet, tight pussy squeezing my cock untilIfill you with my cum.”
Sammoaned as she caught his rhythm and rode her new mate’s shaft.Hestretched her wide—though not as wide as hisBeast—and it felt incredible to give herself so fully to the man she loved.
DeepinsideR’orn, through their link, she could feel hisBeastalso enjoying her pleasure.Hegrowled in approval when he felt her pussy sliding againstR’orn’sthick cock and taking him so deep inside herself.
Asstrange as it seemed,Samlikedthe idea of being mated to both of them.Evenif the wild, animalistic part of her new mate was a little bit scary, it was also sexy as hell—as wasR’ornhimself.
Shedidn’t know how long they stayed like that—R’ornthrusting up inside her as she rode him—but before she knew it, she was getting close.Probablybecause he wasn’t just filling her—he had also reached between them and was circling her aching clit with his thumb.
Itwas nice to be with a man who knew most women needed more than just penetration to come, she thought distractedly.Andthen the pleasure got so great it was hard to think at all.
“R’orn!” she gasped, riding him harder. “R’orn,Ithink…thinkI’mgetting close!”
“Metoo, baby.Areyou ready to take my knot?”
“I…Ithink so!”Sammoaned. “Doit,R’orn—knot me!Fillme up completely.”
“Gods, sweetheart—can’t help myself,Ifuckingneedto knot you,” he growled.Holdingher hips firmly, he pulled her down hard.
Samgasped as she felt the thick swelling find and fill her pussy mouth.Itwasn’t as big as hisBeast’s, but she was still glad he’d taken the time to lick her so thoroughly and help her open up for the extra girth.
Asshe gave herself completely and took his knot deep in her pussy so he could breed her again, it seemed hard to believe that only a week ago she’d thought the bigKindredwas a jerk.Nowshe knew therealR’orn—the sweet, hot, protective warrior who would do anything for her—who would kill or die to protect her.Itwashimthat she’d fallen in love with.
“Loveyou too!Comefor me now, baby,”he growled in her mind as he circled her clit with his thumb and let his knot swell inside her.“Comehard on my cock—come for me and myBeastwhile we fill your pussy with our cream!”
“Oh!Oh,R’orn…oh,Beast!”Sammoaned as her orgasm overtook her.
Herinner walls spasmed around the thick cock inside her, milking it, urging her new mate to fill her with his cum.AsR’ornspurted deep inside her, she felt both him and hisBeasttaking pleasure in her release…and in breeding her so deeply andBondingher all over again.
“That’sright, sweetheart—come for us!Comefor us both!”R’ornurged her andSamcouldn’t help but comply.
Afterwards, she collapsed against his broad chest, her head on his shoulder as she tried to catch her breath.Hewas still buried inside her and that was howSamliked it.Shesnuggled against him, enjoying the feeling of being opened and owned by her new man.
“Easy, baby.Easy,” he murmured in her ear and stroked her back lovingly. “Sucha good girl to come so hard on my cock!MyBeastliked it too.”
“Iknow.”Samlooked up at him. “I…Icould feel you both enjoying it whenIcame.”
“Yourpleasure isourpleasure,”R’ornassured her, smiling. “Sotell me—now that we’re together, where are we going next?”
“Huh?Whatdo you mean?”Samfrowned in confusion.
“Imean, where is your next ghost hunt?” he asked patiently. “Becauseafter last night and that fuckingSlasher69,I’mnever letting you go out hunting alone again!”
“But…Ithought you didn’t believe in whatIdo!”Samprotested.
“Ido now.WhatIsaw that night in theBelgraveMansionpretty much convinced me,”R’ornadmitted. “Andthen talking to theGoddess…well, it made me realize the supernatural is real.Yes, baby—Ibelieve in youandyourGift.I’msorryIwas an asshole about it before,” he added penitently.
“Iforgive you,”Samlifted her head to kiss him lightly on the mouth. “Iknow you were only trying to push me away because of yourBeast.”
“Nevergoing to push you away again,”R’ornpromised.Wrappinghis arms around her, he pulled her closer and returned her kiss. “Mmm, you feel so right in my arms!Iwas a fuckingidiotto try and push you away!”
“LikeIsaid,Iforgive you.”Samsighed contentedly and cuddled against him.Itfelt as though the bigKindredwas a piece of her soul that she hadn’t known she was missing.
Athought suddenly occurred to her, though, which made her frown wistfully.
R’ornwas instantly attuned to her mood.