Page 38 of Wicked and Wild
“Forgetthe coffee, sweetheart—how about you and me get out of here?” the man with theLustImpasked.Ashe spoke, he reached underHanna’sskirt and began running his hand up her thigh.
“Hey!”Hannasnapped. “Youcan’t—”
Andthat was when she saw the eyes, staring at her through the window of theDenny’s.
Theywere glowing red and filled with malevolence.Asudden chill swept over her, as though the temperature in the room had dropped twenty degrees all at once.Hannacouldfeelthe thing’s evil intent—its sinister desire to possess her.
Itwas theDarkEntitythat had been stalking her for the past few weeks but it had never come this close before…and never appeared anywhere but when she was alone at night.Thiswas the main reason she’d started taking graveyard shifts—to avoid being alone during the darkness when she felt most vulnerable.Butnow it was proving that it was willing to seek her out—to find her no matter where she went to hide from it.
Hannahad seen a lot of terrible things because of herGift, but this hungry creature—thisDarkEntity—was by far the worst.Maybebecause she sensed his power—he was stronger than theImpscould ever be.Hisshadowy essence seemed to fill any room he entered and his hunger for her was palpable—like an icy, unwanted hand stroking over her breasts and between her legs.
Shehad let out a short, piercing shriek and jerked away from the window with the burning red eyes.Butthe sudden motion caused the glass coffee pot to jump in her hand and a wave of boiling hot coffee landed right in the lustful customer’s crotch.
“Hey—ouch!Fuck, you fucking bitch!” the man shouted, jumping up in a hurry. “Whatthe fuck did you do that for?”
“Ididn’t…didn’t mean to!”Hannaexclaimed, backing away.Hereyes were still glued to the window.Asmile had appeared to go with the burning eyes—a smile filled with long, sharp bloody fangs.TheDarkEntitywas grinning at her like a hungryJack-o’-lantern.Andthen she heard his voice—a horrible, inhuman snarl she knew only she could hear.
“Soon, my beautifulHanna…I’mcoming for you and soon you’ll be mine…”
“Hey, you fucking cunt—look at me whenI’mtalking to you!” the man she’d spilled coffee on shouted in her face, waking her from the dazed trance she’d fallen into.
Great—he had aRageImptoo.Hannacould see it sticking up on the other side of his jacket, its red face filled with anger as it poured a stream of furious invective into his ear.
“Fuckingbitch—she did that on purpose!Justbecause you touched her!Sheought to begratefulyou’d touch her at all—fat bitch like that, bet she can’t get a date to save her life.Nothingbut a life support system for a cunt—that’s what she is!Uselessbitch!”
Someof the other customers were looking up and another one of the servers ran to the back to getMr.Harvey.Beforeshe knew it,Hannawas caught between the two angry men—her customer shouting that she had poured hot coffee on his crotch on purpose, and her manager apologizing profusely and chewing her out right there in front of everyone.
“Hewas touching me!”Hannaexclaimed desperately.Sheknew she couldn’t explain that theDarkEntity—which had mercifully disappeared from the window by then—had scared her.Itwould only make both of them think she was crazy—not that she cared very much what anyone thought at that point.Shejust wanted to go home.Butat the same time, she barely dared to leave—what if theDarkEntitywas waiting for her, just outside?Whatif—?
“Idon’t carewhathe was doing, thatisn’tthe way we handle that kind of thing around here!”Mr.Harveywas shouting in her face, his breath heavy with stale coffee fumes.
Right,Hannathought, beginning to get mad.Becausewedon’thandle things like that at all around here—at least not whenyou’rethe manager.Youdon’t give a good goddamn how your servers are treated as long as you get to help yourself to their tips at the end of the night!
Sheonly wished she had the nerve to say it out loud.Wouldn’tanyone say anything in her defense?Butlooking around the dining area, she saw that while all of the customers and servers were watching—some were even filming it on their phones—no one came forward to defend her.Shewas all alone in this and no white knight was going to come riding in to save her.
“Ididn’t pour the coffee on him on purpose,” she tried to protest. “Iwas startled by something…something in the window and my hand jerked.”
Mr.Harveyraised his bushy eyebrows almost to his thinning hairline.
“Whichis it,Hanna?Didyou pour it on him on purpose because he was ‘touching’ you?Orwas it an accident because you saw a ghost or something in the window?”
“LikeI’dtouch your fat ass, you cunt!”Thecustomer snarled atHannabefore she could answer. “Fuckingdisgusting pig like you—you’d be lucky to get any man to come within twenty feet of you!”
Hannafelt a rush of shame and anger.Herweight had always been a sore spot with her.
“Thatwasn’twhat you were saying when your hand was crawling up my leg!”Shespat, finally losing her temper. “Howdare you talk to me like that?You’rethe disgusting pig!Doyou thinkanywoman will ever be interested in your tired old lines and your nasty, grabby hands?No!Nowoman with a pulse would even give you the time of day unless she was trying to earn a tip from your sorry ass!”
“Hanna!Wedo not talk that way to customers!”Mr.Harveyblustered.
Hannaturned to him.
“Oh, so it’s all right for him to call me a ‘cunt’ and a ‘disgusting pig’ butIcan’t return the favor?Hewas harassing me from the minuteIcame up to their table!”
Mr.Harveyfolded his arms over his chest.
“It’syour word against his,Hannaand now your job is on the line.Ithink you’d better apologize, don’t you?”
Heand the customer both looked at her expectantly.Buteven though she needed the job and her rent was due,Hannacouldn’t make herself apologize.