Page 56 of Wicked and Wild

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Page 56 of Wicked and Wild

“Oh, yes—but are you sure,AuntLuna?I, er, won’t be able to pay you back for a while,” she added, apologetically.

“Don’tyou worry about that, my dear,” her aunt said, smiling. “Nobodylacks for anything here on theMotherShipand there are so many cute little shops down by the parklands in the middle of the ship.Besides,Iwantto treat you—it’s been a long time since you andIhad a girl’s day together.”Shepaused. “Well—it won’t really be agirl’sday since your newProtectoris coming with us, but you know whatImean.”

“Yes, of course.”Hannaturned toWraith. “Er…do you mind coming with us today?” she asked uncertainly. “Iknow most guys don’t really like shopping,” she added apologetically.

“Whatevermakes you happy makesmehappy,”Wraithassured her. “Besides, how canIpass up the chance to see such a beautifulElitetrying on lovely new clothes?” he added, his mismatched eyes going half-lidded.

Hannafelt herself blushing again and couldn’t help laughing.

“You’rebad!” she exclaimed. “Comeon, let’s go!”



Laterthat evening,Hannareflected that the shopping trip withAuntLunaandWraithwas the most fun she’d had in a long time.Heraunt seemed determined to get her every pretty outfit she tried on, but what was even more fun was watching the wayWraith’seyes lit up when she put on something particularly form fitting.

“Thatone hugs your curves—you should get it,” he said, his voice going just a bit hoarse when she was trying on a long, shimmering emerald green gown with a low-cut neckline and a long slit up one thigh.

“Thankyou, but…Idon’t know whenI’dever wear it,”Hannasaid, looking down at herself.

“You’dwear it to theChristmasPartywe’re going to be going to at the end of the year!”AuntLunaexclaimed. “TheHighCouncilalways throws one.Iwant to introduce you toCommanderSylvan—that’s the head of theCouncil—and his wife,Sophia—she’s a sweetheart.”

“IwishIcould escort you to that party.”Therewas a wistful note inWraith’sdeep voice. “Iwould be so proud to step into the ballroom with such a beautifulEliteon my arm.”

“Iwish you could too,”Hannasaid softly and then had to explain toAuntLunawhat they were talking about.

“Getit,” her aunt said decisively. “Younever can tell what might happen, my dear and it lookslovelyon you.”

“But,AuntLuna—it’s so expensive!”Hannaprotested.

“Priceis no object today,” her aunt declared.

Andso the gorgeous, shimmering gown was purchased.

Afterlunch, which they had at achiclittle café in the center of theMotherShipthat servedTwinMoonscuisine, her aunt explained that she had a few errands to run.

“ButIdon’t want you to stop shopping, my dear,” she toldHanna. “Youstill haven’t bought any underthings or night clothes yet.Here.”Andshe dug her cred-chip card out of her purse and handed it toHanna. “Getyourself what you need andI’llsee you later on for supper.Or‘LastMeal’ as theKindredcall it.”

Hannatried to protest, but her aunt wouldn’t hear of it.Shesaid she wantedHannato get everything she needed.

“Thetwo of you have fun,” she added, nodding at the spot besideHannawhereWraithwas standing. “Justbe sure you stick to my niece like glue,” she added, pointing a finger at him. “Don’tleave her alone for one second.”

“Youhave my word thatIwill stay by her side and protect her,”Wraithrumbled andHannarepeated his promise for her aunt’s benefit.

“Good.Nowthe two of you have fun.”Andwith a wink,AuntLunaleft them and went to do her errands—whatever they might be.Hannahalf suspected that she had nothing to do at all and just wanted to give her and her newProtectorsome time alone.

Notthat she minded.Thoughgoing shopping for underwear and lingerie with the bigKindredin towmightget a little embarrassing, she thought, blushing.

Actually, it wasveryembarrassing—but in a pleasurable way.Wraithstayed just outside the dressing room door as she tried on progressively smaller and skimpier outfits.Sheopened the door to show him each one and she couldn’t help feeling warm all over when she saw the way his eyes went half-lidded as he watched her turn so he could see her from every angle.

“You’reso fuckinggorgeous,little one—do you know that?” he growled hoarsely whenHannacame out wearing a tiny black teddy which tied with a satin ribbon between her breasts.Itwas made of material so sheer her nipples were clearly visible and the tiny black panties that matched barely covered her pussy mound.

“Oh…thank you.”Hannacouldn’t help the blush of pleasure that rose to her cheeks. “IthinkI’llget it,” she added. “The, uh, material is really soft.”

“Isit?”Wraithraised his eyebrows. “It’sbeen a long time sinceItouched anything soft,” he murmured, his eyes running overHanna’smostly exposed body.

Shefelt a tingle go through her and suddenly she wanted his hands on her more than anything.

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