Page 75 of Wicked and Wild
“It’strue, little one—I’mback.Butonly for a little while—only to say goodbye.”
“What?”Hannashook her head. “Butthat can’t be right, can it?”
“I’mafraid it is,”Wraithrumbled. “Ican’t stay long.”
“But…but what happened?Howdid you come back at all and why can’t you stay?” she demanded, still keeping her legs wrapped firmly around his waist because she wasn’t about to let him go. “Tellmeeverything.”
“Istruggled against theDemonfor a long,longtime—we fell into thePittogether, fighting.Hewrapped himself around me and tried to take me but he couldn’t.Ifought to free myself, butIwasn’t able.”
“Soyou were fighting for twoweeks?”Hannaasked, her eyes wide.
“Wasthat how long it was here in theLandof theLiving?Timehas no meaning in thePit,”Wraithsaid.
“Itwas the longest two weeks of my life,”Hannaassured him. “Buthow did you get out and come back?”
“Ihad help.Iwasdeterminedto never give in, butIcould feel myself weakening as the demon tried to take me…thenIsaw a brilliant beam of light from above.Thelight became a rope—a glowing rope that reached down into the depths of thePit.”
“Arope?Whatwas it?”Hannaasked shaking her head.
“Itwas theGoddess—theMotherofAllLife—she threw me a lifeline,”Wraithsaid gravely. “AndthenIheard her calling me—calling me by name.”Hegot a faraway look in his eyes. “Justhearing her voice seemed to give me new strength.Ifought my way free at last and grasped the rope.Handover hand,Ipulled myself up and out of thePit.Aslong asIheld theGoddess’srope in my hands, the demon couldn’t lay hold of me again.”
“SotheKindredGoddesshelped you out of thePit?”Hannaasked, her eyes wide.
“AndwhenIfinally reached the lip and pulled myself over the edge,Ifound her standing there in all her shining glory. ‘Warrior,’she said to me.‘Byyour courage and honor you have earned your final rest.’Thenshe pointed andIsaw a vast golden tunnel filled with light.Andstanding in it was everyoneIhad ever loved whenIwas alive.Isaw my parents…my brothers…evenMara, my lost love, waving at me.Allof them were beckoning and calling my name.”
“Oh…”Hannawhispered, feeling deflated. “So…you have to go join them now?”
“Notimmediately, but soon,”Wraithtold her. “Ibegged theGoddessfor an hour to say goodbye to you and to let you know thatIam not writhing in torment.Iwill be going to stay in the afterlife instead—Ithought that knowing that would help give you peace.”
“Ican’t even tell you howhorribleI’vebeen feeling,”Hannasaid, searching his eyes with her own. “I’msoglad you’re all right and so grateful that you came to tell me so!”
“Good.ThenImust leave.”AndWraithbegan to grow insubstantial—so much so thatHannacould see her own hands through his body as he began to fade.
“Wait!” she exclaimed desperately. “Wait—don’t go so soon!Kissme first—kiss me one more time,Wraith.Please!”
Hegrew solid again, his mismatched eyes filled with love for her.
“OfcourseIwill, little one.HowcouldIrefuse the sweetness of your kisses one last time?”
Hannatook his face in her hands and kissed him—there was hunger and desperation in her kiss.Hislips were soft and when he parted them, he still tasted like cinnamon.Shepressed herself against him as she deepened the kiss…slipping her tongue into his mouth to explore as if she owned him.
Wraithgroaned at her eagerness and kissed her back with more passion.Hisbig hands were roving over her body now, up and down her sides and back and then stroking her breasts and teasing her nipples which were suddenly tight with desire.
Hisdesire seemed to spurHanna’sown.Sheno longer had the lust runes on her forehead—they had faded after theDarkEntityhad gone back to thePit.Butshe felt just as hot and ready as she ever had when they were still etched into her flesh.Pullingback from him, she began tugging off her top.
“Littleone, what are you doing?”
“Youknow whatI’mdoing,”Hannapurred, giving him a naughty look.Throwingher blouse to one side, she reached for the fastenings of her bra.Shewas wearing one that clipped in the front so she was able to peel it open, exposing her naked breasts for him.
Wraithsucked in a breath.Hehad always loved her breasts.