Page 3 of The Little Things
What kind of sorcery was this?
Damn Zharek. He just had to go and create a device that formed the perfect holographic disguise, camouflaging Kail’s unmistakable Kordolianness.
He just had to go and make him look impossiblyhot.And even though Riana would always find his true form the most beautiful of all, she couldn’t help but admire him when he looked like this, too.
How fun it was to see him in all his different incarnations.
Almosthuman-looking. But not quite. Never quite.
The one thing Zharek couldn’t change was Kail’s striking Kordolian features. If you looked at closely enough, it would become obvious that he wasn’t human at all.
And no human could pull off that demeanour of his.
Kail with dark hair. Kail in clean-cut indigo jeans and sharp black boots and a goddamn charcoal-grey turtleneck. The knitted fabric became taut around his shoulders and arms, accentuating his undeniable physicality.
And he lookedsoadorably grumpy.
“What?”Kail growled as they descended the ramp and made their way into the private docking bay. They’d taken one of the small Kordolian cruisers that General Tarak and his men had at their disposal. Someone in the Kordolian security team had managed to get them an unlimited pass to use the New World Orbital Mall’s highly exclusive and secure docking bay, which was reserved for the ships of trillionaires, celebrities, and politicians.
No crowded public transport for them. It was true; being mated to a high-ranking Kordolian certainly had its perks.
And none of those prominent people even dared park their ships near the Kordolian vessel.
So much for Kail’s disguise. Security would know what he was, even if they had orders to keep it strictly under wraps. But at least they had the ability to be relatively incognito when they mingled with the crowds.
“I was just thinking about how nice you look,” Riana said lightly as they crossed the floor and entered a wide, brightly-lit corridor. “You’re a handsome bastard, you know that?”
He turned and gave her a long, inscrutable look. “Hm.”
Kail was a hard man to read. Sometimes his expression could be so cryptic that she didn’t know whether he was thinking about warm and fuzzy things or killing someone.
But she was getting better at understanding him. He had these little tells… she was pretty sure nobody else knew them but her.
Like now, for instance. His mouth curved ever so slightly. His eyes narrowed. He gave her a quiet little look.
Almost as if her compliment made him feel a certain way.
Chuffed, for instance.
Kail,of all people?
But suddenly, he was all business again as a humanoid robot approached them. It was a simulation of a distinguished man in his mid-forties, dressed in an old-fashioned butler’s suit complete with waistcoat and bow-tie. He started off in Universal. “Good morning, Ma’am and Sir. What is your preferred language, please?”
“Universal is fine,” Riana answered.
“Noted. My name is Boris, and I amdelightedto meet you. As honored VIP guests, my purpose is to attend to your every need as you explore the New World Orbital Mall. How may I assist you today?”
Kail shot her a decidedly grumpy look. He had little patience for this sort of thing; pretense and bullshit.
Riana made a dismissive motion with her hand. “Boris, if you could just point us in the direction of Eukia, we’ll take it from there.”
“Are you certain you do not wish to attend the Executive Lounge for complimentaryhors d'oeuvresand refreshments before you shop? We have an outstanding selection of—”
“No,” Kail grunted.
The robot somehow managed to look shocked. “Very well. I can provide you with a map holo of the—”