Page 13 of Lucid Harmony
She was safe, and she was loved.
“Now,” Abbey said, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. “I want you all to try this. It’s Jamaican food, and it’s absolutely bloody delicious. But I have to warn you, that chicken is seasoned with scotch bonnet peppers, and it isspicy.”She pointed to the two plates, where quarters of succulent grilled, marinated chicken rested. “That one’s mild. The other is…medium,because I don’t think any of us could take thehot.You might like it, you might not. I never know how you Kordolians will react to our various flavors. But it’s worth a try, because this chicken isheavenly.So tender and juicy.” She nodded toward a large jug on the table. “There’s water over there if you find it a little too intense. And milk in the beverage station.”
Spicy?Ashrael regarded the food warily, as if assessing a potential threat.
It burns a little on the tongue,Noa explained.But some people find it pleasant. Some get addicted to it. It’s a really unique experience. I honestly don’t know if you’ll hate it or love it. Just try it, my love.
I will wait. Lethimbe the experimental test subject.
Her mate radiated dark amusement as he watched Tarak from behind an impassive mask. Noa never failed to be astonished at how well he could conceal his emotions.
With typical decisiveness, Tarak picked a plump leg from themediumpile and took a bite, flashing his carnivorous fangs.
He chewed a little…
Then he froze.
That was all. He didn’t give off any sign of emotion or reaction. He just sat there, stone-faced, his eyes hard and cold.
But now Noa could feel a little trace of his unmasked aura, and it was laced with danger; the kind of aura he might give off before he killed an enemy.
Down by his side, Tarak’s fingers twitched, as if he were about to reach for his sword.
Rykal must’ve had a death-wish, because he was smirking, trying to stifle a laugh.
What felt like an eternity passed in silence, punctuated only by the sounds of Ami happily munching on her food.
“This one,” Tarak said at last, putting the chicken down on Abbey’s plate, “is another form of torture. The taste is pleasurable, but for the sheer amount of pain caused by your infernal spices and acids, it is not worth it.” He looked at Abbey in disbelief. “Do you humans actually enjoy this?”
“As a matter of fact, yes.” Abbey picked up the drumstick and took a bite. “Mmm.Oh my god, this is delicious.”
She didn’t react at all; didn’t even sweat.
“You can take your spice,” Noa exclaimed.
“My dad was a fan of hot curries. I got exposed from an early age. Funny, though, I didn’t really crave anything spicy until now.” She chuckled as she wolfed down her chicken. “Must be the hormones.”
Tarak quietly reached across and took the entire jug of water.
Then he downed the whole damn thing.
From the prickliness in his aura, Noa deduced that he was suffering quite a bit underneath his stony demeanor.
But he was a Kordolian, and a highly trained one at that. They experienced severe pain on a regular basis, so he’d had plenty of practice at not letting his agony show.
“This is an acquired taste,” he growled. “An exclusivelyhumanone, I suspect.”
“Anybody else want some?” Arin gestured to the chicken. “What about you, Rykal?”
The Kordolian shrugged. “I don’t have a death-wish. I’ll stick to that animal over there.” He pointed toward the oxtail. “The one that doesn’t smell like it’s about to set the table on fire.”
Arin laughed. “I won’t insist you try it, but since when have you ever erred on the side of caution, my love?”
Rykal smiled; a charming, fang-y, gleaming smile, with dimples and all. “Since I met you, my wise mate.”
“Character development,” Arin said dryly, making Noa laugh.
She turned to Ash, who was sitting back in his usual fashion, observing everything with a calm surface and deep thought underneath.And what about you, my love? Care to taste the Earth phenomenon that is spice?