Page 18 of Lucid Harmony
As they drew closer, she became enveloped in the familiar energy of Earth. Unlike Kythia, where she’d found the planet’s pull to be malevolent and chaotic, Earth had a gentle, harmonious energy. It was familiar and comforting.
It solidified her conviction that Earth must be protected at all costs.
What’s going to become of us?
Tarak and Ash and the Kordolians of the Darkstar Group were trying to hunt down the remnants of the Kordolian Empire—the ones with the potential to create serious chaos. Their attacks were becoming more and more brazen, and Noa had heard rumors of terrible ancient weapons that would be devastating if they got their hands on them.
So even as she worked, day in, day out, trying to become better and stronger for humanity’s sake, the unease was still there, lurking in the back of her mind, threatening to destroy everything good that had come into her life.
How did they do it?
Ash and the others… they faced violence and danger all the time. Brutal battles and warfare were just another day at the office to them.
What troubles you, mysarien?
And here was Ash, wrapping his arms around her, gently nuzzling her hair and inhaling deeply, planting a soft, tender kiss on her head.
His aura engulfed hers; his was calm and overwhelming, a perfect cocoon of protectiveness and strength.
“Nothing major,” she sighed, unable to resist the temptation ofhim.Whenever he was around, her fear became nonexistent. “I was just thinking about Earth… about how fragile it is, and how naive we humans were—stillare. I just want everything to stay the same. It might sound fanciful, but I wish Earth could be kept in a bubble.”
Nothing stays the same, my love. The Universe is always in a state of flux. If it were to stand still, it would implode.
You always have a perfect answer for these things, don’t you, my love?
Now Noa could see the glowing network of the city; orderly yet chaotic, millions upon millions of lights coalescing to form a golden mass that almost seemed to pulsate with energy.
She thought she recognized it. “That’s London, isn’t it?”
It is.
“I can guess where you’re taking me, then.” Excitement bubbled up inside her. Ash hadn’t told her anything. He’d just said it was asurprise.
Everything’s arranged. This is a private viewing. As much as I would have enjoyed surprising you completely, I wouldn’t presume to select an instrument on your behalf. It has to be your choice, mysarien.He gently caressed her cheek as the ship leaned into its final descent.We should do this more often. I do enjoy giving you presents.
“I don’t expect you to shower me with gifts all the time,” she said matter-of-factly, even as Ashrael’s smooth-as-butter mental voice did things to her. “Just spending time with you is enough.”
Maybesheshould get him a gift. Did he have a birthday? Noa didn’t think Kordolians celebrated their own birthdays. What could a man like Ash possibly want, anyway? He was so ruthlessly competent; so un-sentimental. At times, so impenetrable.
At times, she almost felt unworthy of him.
But then he would go and do something likethis, reminding her that she meant more to him more than anything else in the Universe.
Who else would I shower with gifts, if not for you, my love? You have to allow me this indulgence. There was a time, not too long ago, when I never could have conceived of the concept of giving gifts.
The ship descended, then came to a stop.
“Let’s go,” he said quietly, switching to actual speech, and his deep, resonant voice was like warm honey. Ashrael offered her his hand as the safety restraints retracted.
She glanced out the window. They were hovering just above the rooftops. Noa rose out of her seat and allowed Ashrael to lead her to the exit.
The door opened.
Suddenly, she could smell the crisp night air; rain on pavement, a faint cooking scent, something blooming and fragrant. She caught sight of white flowers in a windowbox planter. Below was a narrow alley, running between glistening rooftops.
It was raining. There was a hint of fog.
The night was magical.