Page 2 of Lucid Harmony
In the past, he wouldn’t have been capable of experiencing spontaneous amusement like that.
Dark amusement, certainly, but not the innocent sort of amusement—with no death or maiming attached.
He’d only understood that feelingafterhe’d met her.
So. As impressive as it is, do you care to explain how a clever trinket can curtail the child’s burgeoning Talent?
In the old empire, one as clearly talented as Ami would have been placed in isolation.
She would have had her eyes blacked out and herka’quichannels suppressed.
Ashrael was determined that the horrors inflicted upon him would never happen again. No child would ever suffer like he and his silent brethren had.
“Can’t you see? The energy around them moves like cogs. Now that I’ve fixed them in place, they can’t be thrown into chaos. But you can make them move a little if you have even a little sense of theka’qui.” Her mouth became a taut line as she concentrated, extending herka’quionce again.
The balls moved ever so slightly, wobbling and quivering.
Then they fell back into place.
“She won’t be able to resist trying to do that after I show her once or twice. But there’s a technique to it, as you can see. It takes a little time and skill to develop. And then, if you figure out the little trick, you can actually break my construction. Once she’s actually figured out how to dislodge the balls, she should be able to keep herka’quicontained. That’s the theory behind it, anyway. It’s like the toys we give to children to teach them fine motor control. Stackers, those little shapes you put in the same shaped holes…”
Ashrael gently massaged the back of her neck with his thumbs. He had no idea what she was talking about, but he liked it when she got passionate about things.
Well done, my love. I’m sure it will be well received.
She leaned back, extending her neck, looking up at him. He threaded his fingers through her unbound hair, which had grown long. “Well, I hope she likes it. It was fun figuring out how to make it, but I’m exhausted.”
He bent over and kissed her on her lips, meeting them upside-down. “I want to giveyoua gift.”
Her lips parted in surprise. “A gift?”
I’m reliably informed by certain well-meaning humans that in three revolutions, it will be the ceremony to celebrate the day of your birth. Since I still have no concept of what humans would like to receive, or what is appropriate, I thought I’d ask you directly.
Surprise radiated from her. “I completely forgot about my birthday. And you really don’t have to do much for me. I’ve never been big on celebrating birthdays.”
But I want to.He’d gotten the sense that she wasn’t used to accepting things from others. She always worked hard and didn’t ask for much; she never complained. And Ashrael had never been in a position where he could dote on another.Who else do I have to spoil? There is no-one but you. Tell me something you would like, my love. It would give me great pleasure to acquire a present for you. And understand that your choices are limitless. There isn’t anything too big or extravagant. I have the means to get you anything you desire, so don’t be modest.
Her mouth curved into an amused smile. “Anything, Ash?”
Anything. I’d move the planets to get you what you desire.
“What if the only thing I want isyou?”
His once-cold heart swelled with tenderness. How glorious it was to know that his mate desired him like this.
And if I want to please you by getting you something rare and difficult to obtain; something that will bring you joy?
“Well, actually, thereissomething…”
Do tell…He knew it. On more than one occasion, he’d caught a wistful feeling from her; a bittersweet kind of longing. But she was the sort who would brush it away and focus on the task at hand.
Her attention to detail and strict discipline reminded him a bit of himself, or the indomitable warriors of the First Division. But she was guided by a completely different set of morals. She wasn’t a ruthless killer, and he was determined to keep it that way.
Even though she’d been treated terribly by her fellow humans—held in captivity and experimented on because of her abilities—she hadn’t become corrupted by bitterness. And she never spoke of those things.
She was completely un-selfish, unlike him.
All the more reason why he wanted to spoil her endlessly.