Page 4 of Lucid Harmony
She longed to run her fingers through it.
His eyebrows rose suggestively.What?
“Can’t I just admire you a little?” She beckoned with her fingers. “Don’t make me repeat myself.”Come here.
She smiled as Ashrael’s expression turned into a look of pleased surprise.
With silent, effortless grace, he walked over and eased into the pod behind her.
He wrapped his arms around her waist and curled one leg around her crossed ones.And here I thought you would be tired.
I am, but being with you gives me energy. And who are you to be deciding that I’d be tired, anyway? You’re the one that’s been going out on all those secret missions.She leaned against him, savoring his warmth.If anything, you’re the one that should be tired.
I don’t get tired.
Ha.Tired or not, you deserve to relax.
Relax? What’s that?
She didn’t know if he was being serious or not. Ash had the driest sense of humor.
She let out a mock-sigh.You Kordolians don’t know anything, do you? Let alone how to relax. Let me show you. Lie down, on your stomach.
He let out a soft snort of amusement.I’m not used to being told what to do.
“I know,” she said aloud, amusement creeping into her voice. “That’s why you need to do what I say.”
With an indulgent smile, Ashrael stretched forward and lay down on his belly, extending his legs in V so she was sitting between them. Noa stared at the perfect expanse of his back; at his honed form, forged from a lifetime of brutal training.
Before he’d been freed from the terrible mindbond, Ashrael had been forced to do all kinds of horrific things.
Those hands of his—always so gentle with her—had killed hundreds, if not thousands of souls. His back and torso were etched with scars—some big and nasty, others fine and delicate.
She never failed to be astonished by the fact that this lethal creature could be so sweet with her. He was still a ruthless killer—that would never change—but when he was with her, he was nothing but pure and sweet.
Noa reached into the pocket of her hoodie and retrieved a small bottle of lavender-scented oil that she’d bought from a cute organic store in the New World Orbital Mall. She popped the lid and rubbed a little between the palms of her hands, warming them.
Then she leaned forward laid her hands upon Ash’s back, just beneath his shoulder blades.
The soothing scent of lavender filled the air.
She kneaded his skin with the pads of her fingers, teasing the tautness from his muscles. She felt him exhale and shudder. She ran her thumbs up and down his spine, marveling at how his aura changed, becoming soft and gentle and warm.
She massaged him, drawing the tension out of his body. She saw him visibly relax; saw him close his eyes, saw his expression turn smooth and serene.
Clearly, he was enjoying it.
And in turn, his presence soothed her.
He reminded her of a big, purring cat, basking in pure contentment.
Time flowed into nothingness. She lost herself in the trance of him; in the lines and planes of his powerful body. He was like a perfect sculpture; a living work of art.
And he was allhers.
She couldn’t deny that their closeness turned her on. But it wasn’t a frantic, urgent sort of arousal, the kind she’d felt when she’d first met him; when she couldn’t resist the urge to fuck him at every turn.
No, this was a slower kind of arousal, warm and delicious, sitting in the pit of her belly, seeping into her core.