Page 11 of Skittish Seduction
The guy trailed off his words, his implication clear. Adisa tempered Boaz’s aggression. If Adisa wasn’t there to do that, there could be trouble. Adisa had been an enforcer for the Shifter Council for decades, but when he’d found his mate in Boaz, he’d resigned. That didn’t mean they didn’t occasionally call on Adisa to do something for them, as long as it wouldn’t take him too far from his mate or for very long.
“We hear ya, Nick,” Madagascar replied with a nod. He held out his free hand to the wolf shifter. “Thanks for bringin’ us up here.”
“Happy to.” Nick—the wolf shifter—shook Madagascar’s hand. “Miach and I come up here to visit when we can.” Nick rested his hand on the odd-smelling human’s back. “The interaction is good for Boaz, and he really is a great guy when he’s in control.”
Once again, the implication was clear—Boaz wasn’t always in control.
Khan wondered briefly what he did when he lost control. Then again, maybe he didn’t want to know. He certainly never wanted to see Ishmael hurt by his own brother.
Yeah, that’s a horrible thought.
“Hey, Khan,” Congo called, getting his attention. “You runnin’? Or do you want to ride on the quad?” The bear shifter pointed at the padding attached to the rear rack of one of the quads.
After a second of hesitation, Khan decided to ride. He was the only one in animal form. They’d taken it fairly easy on the way up when Nick had shown them how to get there, so he hadn’t had any trouble keeping up. However, with his new plan in mind, Khan wanted to get back to the farmhouse as swiftly as possible.
Khan easily vaulted onto the padded area. Spreading his paws, he braced them on the metal railings of the rack.
Congo climbed on the machine. Others did the same to several more. Zhaul had his own while the other mated couples shared.
With a pat on Khan’s flank, Congo told him, “I’ll be careful, but bark if you’re uncomfortable.”
Khan rumbled softly in response, indicating that he’d heard. Then he endured his first quad ride. He didn’t find it particularly enjoyable, but he figured if he were in human form, it might have been different.
As soon as they arrived at the parking area, Khan was more than happy to jump down. He paused and stretched his legs, arching his back with his tail in the air. Then he shook himself before making his way to the large SUV they’d all arrived in.
Nick and Miach had picked them up at the farmhouse.
Lying between the middle captain’s chairs, Khan made himself comfortable for the ride back.
Upon reaching the farmhouse, Nick parked beside a pick-up that Khan didn’t recognize. The second he exited the SUV, however, he knew who it belonged to. His mate’s scent hung faintly in the air.
Excitement rushed through him, and Khan bounded eagerly to the door. He yipped, prancing in place, trying to hurry the others along. They’d paused to talk to Nick and Miach some more about the possibility of shifter hunters being in the area.
Hunters. Gods.
Just the thought chilled Khan to his bones, and he didn’t want to think about them. Instead, he wanted to think about his mate.
Upon seeing his antics, Congo headed toward him.
“Everything okay, Khan?” Congo questioned, climbing the steps.
Khan did his best to roll his eyes even as he sniffed before turning his muzzle to the door. He rumbled softly as he refocused on Congo.
The bear frowned at him, but at least he opened the door.
Bolting inside, Khan followed Nathan’s fresh masculine scent. He quickly located his mate in the large living room. Khan skidded to a stop and practically vibrated with excitement.
Finally, my mate is here.
Khan barely resisted shifting that instant. He had just enough presence of mind to scan who was there and take in the scene. After all, Khan didn’t think Nathan knew about shifters, and he didn’t want to freak out his mate.
Nathan was still in uniform, and he sat in a chair with a tumbler of amber liquid cradled between his hands. His brown brows were drawn together, and a muscle ticked in his jaw. Lines of tension tightened his shoulders and limbs, and his scent had definitely taken on a stressful note.
Nathan was definitely upset about something.
Kontra sat with his mate, Tim, on one small sofa, both looking concerned. “Like Land said,” Kontra was saying. “It’s not a bad thing. Besides, you already knew there were paranormal things out there.”
“That didn’t prepare me for being paired up with a random stranger,” Nathan countered, scowling at Kontra.