Page 24 of Skittish Seduction
Khan pushed harder into Nathan’s hold, and Nathan didn’t think the man even realized he was doing it.
“So, fight dirty so I can run away again?” Khan sounded confused as hell, but Declan nodded once in confirmation. “Then what’s the other reason.”
Declan chuckled. “Because ye’re stalling, waiting for help. Waiting for stronger wolves to come save ye.”
“No one would ever come help in my old pack,” Khan declared, practically breaking Nathan’s heart upon hearing the words. “It was every wolf for himself so the alpha would praise you on your strength.”
A frown flickered over Declan’s countenance for just an instant—there and gone so fast Nathan might have imagined it. Then Declan sported that same small smile again. “Then it’s a good thing ye’re not part of that pack anymore,” he stated with a shrug. He glanced toward Sam, who was standing a step off to the side. “Our packs don’t work that way. Here, the pack is family. There are plenty of strong wolves and other shifters who are happy to come to you and yer mate’s aid, should ye ever need it.” Then Declan held out his hand. “Welcome to me territory, Khan. Ye’re welcome here for however long ye like.”
“I am?” For a second, Khan stared at Declan’s hand as if it were a snake preparing to bite him. Then the look cleared, and he shifted in Nathan’s hold just enough so he could reach out and take it. As they shook, Khan whispered, “Why?”
Declan scoffed, releasing Khan’s hand. “Because yer mate is here.” He waved, indicating Nathan. “After ye secure yer bond, ye’ll have to talk about if ye’re going to stay or move on with Kontra’s people.” With another smile, Declan shoved his hands into his pockets. “If ye decide to stay, we’ll talk about pack membership at that time.”
Damn. Didn’t think about that.
Khan was part of a semi-nomadic biker gang. What if he wanted to stay with the group? Nathan was finally feeling settled and comfortable in his life, and he loved his small town. Could he uproot himself if that was what Khan wanted?
One thing at a time. Get him to accept me. Maybe he’d like to be settled, too.
“Um, o-okay,” Khan mumbled.
Declan focused on Nathan and patted him on the shoulder. “Good instincts, you coming out here, Nathan.” With a wry smirk, he added, “No wonder ye’re a good deputy. Ye’d make a fantastic addition to any pack.” Then Declan tried to look innocent as he refocused on Khan, but to Nathan, the expression fell flat. “Speakin’ of packs, what one did ye hale from, little one?”
Maybe Khan bought the whole innocent act, or maybe it was because such a strong alpha wolf was asking. Either way, Khan answered, “The Bay River pack in Illinois. Uh, Alpha Darrik Mortin was in charge when I was, uh, when he s-sold... me.” He finished the last few words on a whisper.
Nathan wasn’t the only one who sucked in a sharp breath.
“He sold ye?” Declan growled. “To who?”
Khan pressed closer into Nathan’s hold even as he whispered, “The witches... for protection against hunters.”
“Oh, for the love of—” Declan began before ending with a few colorful expletives. The alpha wolf must have noticed the trembles that once more began in Khan’s body, for he rested his hand on Khan’s nape and declared, “Khan, no one here is going to sell ye. Not to anyone. Just like yer mate said, ye’re safe here.”
Nathan noticed the way Declan massaged Khan’s neck, and he continued to hold the fearful man. Slowly, the trembles ebbed. Khan sighed, the warm breath fanning against Nathan’s neck, causing the hairs to stand on end.
Despite the tense situation, that wasn’t the only thing that was beginning to stand up on Nathan. He couldn’t seem to help it. The feel of holding the man in his arms was just too wonderful. Khan’s lean, five-foot-ten frame fit absolutely perfectly along Nathan’s taller, broader body.
“Thank you, Alpha,” Khan whispered.
Declan dipped his chin in a curt nod. “Ye’re welcome, little one,” he stated as he removed his hand. Then he cast a knowing smile in Nathan’s direction and said, “I suppose ye’ll be heading out then. You and Khan have things to discuss.”
Nathan appreciated the man’s words, even if they were a dismissal. “Yes, sir. Thanks again for the chat last night.”
“Ye’re welcome, Nathan,” Declan replied, taking a step backward. He started to turn toward Sam. “Don’t be a stranger now.” Without another word to them, Declan began striding toward the house with Sam and Ryan joining them.
Yuma hung back long enough to confirm that Khan was okay. Then he and Hunter followed into the house, too.
Alone with Khan for the first time, Nathan suddenly felt a mixture of nerves and arousal. “Can I, uh—” He paused and cleared his throat. “Can I take you to my house?” Nathan watched as Khan tipped his head up, noticing how his lower lip was caught between his teeth. With his focus riveted on the arresting sight, Nathan couldn’t help the huskiness of his voice when he murmured, “I’d like the chance to get to know you better.”
While Nathan meant talking, sort of, he didn’t miss that there was a bit of innuendo in there, either.
Considering the way Khan dipped his head and peered at him through his lashes, Nathan knew the other man had caught it, too.
“O-Okay,” Khan agreed.
Nathan wasn’t going to ask for confirmation. He didn’t want to give Khan a chance to change his mind or succumb to some other fear. With the desire to get Khan in his home surging through him, Nathan turned their hold and began walking toward his truck.
Nathan had never been happier to have remembered to shove his keys, wallet, and phone into his pockets before leaving Declan’s study that morning. He pulled his keys out and opened the passenger side door. After helping Khan onto the bench seat, Nathan carefully shut the door and hurried to the other side.