Page 20 of Poisoned Pawn
I take him in as he exits the car, clocking the knife I know he has sheathed under his jacket and eyeing the tattoos peeking out from his open shirt, just like the cop did yesterday. One thing I have over the cop is that I know exactly who I’m looking at.
Zak Lawler, one half of the notorious Lawler brothers and one third of Star’s sister Roxy’s little menage. He heads back inside as my phone vibrates in my pocket. This better fucking be Lev. It’s not.
“Koda, what you got for me?”
“A fucking hornet’s nest, man.”
“Talk,” I tell him, keeping my voice low and shifting further back in my hiding spot as a couple pass by. I extend one leg, giving it a stretch before doing the same with the other, not that I can feel much as both went numb some time ago.
“I don’t even know where to start. The long and the short of it is that Perry Graham was involved in a deal with Lev, don’t ask me what ‘cause that I haven’t been able to figure out yet. But Perry got a little too greedy and wasn’t happy with his cut.”
“So he was skimming off the top?”
“Basically, yeah. But it’s not that simple, man. There is something fishy about the whole thing. I can’t find anything about the third party involved and it looks like Pavel has been kept in the dark. Or he isn’t aware that shit went sideways.”
That at least explains Akim’s little visit and why Lev was freaking the fuck out when I told him I refused his father’s offer to attend the house. Lev gave me the impression the order for Perry’s hit came from above, but I don’t think that’s the case now.
“What else you got?” I ask hoping there’s more because this info is lacking in meat.
“Nothing, man. Lev is cleaning up. Whatever he’s been doing, he’s now locking that shit down.”
“What about the girl?”
Never a good sign.
“Koda, what about Star?”
A muffled groan travels down the line as though he’s scrubbing a hand across his face. “I heard that someone took out a Shadow last night and they are pissed, man. I don’t know what went down, but if you had anything to do with it, then you need to watch your back. As for Star, she’s still on the hit list. Whoever wants her dead ain’t giving up.”
“Thanks, Koda. I’ll be in touch.” He says bye, and I end the call. Koda has just confirmed something I was afraid of. It seems that my hiatus from the Shadow Guard is about to end.
If I was smart, I’d reach out to Lennox first, but there’s no way in hell I can do that right now. Guess I’ll wait for the bastard to come to me. He’ll find me just like he did when I was sixteen. Only difference is that I don’t owe him anything this time.
Another couple of hours pass before there is any other movement inside the house. And thank fuck because I’ve been sat here so long I’m about to become a fucking garden gnome.
Zak and Maddox exit first, followed closely by Star and then Roxanne. Zak, Maddox and Roxanne all scan the area like a damn hawk, so I keep my head down until they get in the car Zak used earlier this morning.
Knowing the guy in the house next door can’t see me until I exit the path of the garden I’ve been hiding in, I wait for the car to reach the end of the road before getting to my feet. I stroll down the path not worried about the van man because he’s not in the front which means he can’t see me from the back as there are no windows.
I’m wearing a cap and keep my head low as I pass the house next door, turning away to look over my shoulder just to be certain he doesn’t see my face. The car turns right at the end of the road, and once I’m in mine, I pull away casually, reaching the end of the road just as I see their car disappear towards town.
I follow at a safe distance, then drop back as they pull up outside a restaurant, watching them enter before driving a little further up the street and parking.
I check my rear-view mirror while I figure out what my plan is. There’s been no sign of Aidan Kavanagh since last night or anyone following them, but none of that settles the uneasy feeling in my gut.
There’s no doubt that they know Star wasn’t alone last night and it’s just a matter of time before they know who I am. What there is a doubt about is why the fuck I’m wasting my time with this. Star isn’t anyone of importance to me. I don’t care if someone is crazy enough to take out the Kavanaghs or the Lawlers. It’s none of my business. So why the fuck am I here? Why the fuck do I find myself entering the back entrance of the restaurant ten minutes later and watching them like some jealous boyfriend who thinks his woman is cheating? Because something keeps pushing me toward her, something is telling me I need to be involved in whatever this is.
It ain’t because I need to get involved with the fucking Shadow Guard again. But the fact they are involved is definitely intriguing. Regardless, my actions last night have put me back on their radar.
It’s lunch time, and the restaurant is relatively busy and means I can get lost among the diners. I find my way to a small table for two tucked away in the corner. From here, I can see them all, including Kavanagh, who has joined them in the time it took for me to get inside. He isn’t alone either. Beside him sits a woman. I don’t recognise her, but Kavanagh’s body language and possessive hand on her thigh beneath the table make it easy to guess. She’s Parker Bryant, Kavanagh’s fiancée. On her other side sits Star and the two of them are chatting away. Star is wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a cream polo neck jumper, which is no doubt hiding the faint marks from my hand last night, with her dark hair hanging over her shoulders, framing her neck and face.
While enjoying the conversation, Star looks distracted and somewhat uncomfortable. If I’m honest, she looks like she’s about to bolt.
Now wouldn’t that make things interesting.
I look away, shifting in my seat as the memory of chasing her last night dances in my mind. When I look over next, a waitress is taking their order. As the waitress leaves them, Star gets up and begins walking this way. I track her, watching every footstep, the way her chest rises with each breath and the way her hands tighten into fists as she disappears into the hall leading to the toilets.