Page 54 of Poisoned Pawn
Shoving a few scattered boxes aside, I move to the punch bag I hung a few years ago and dig out a pair of gloves from one of the cubbyholes on the shelving unit at the back. I smack them together, creating a plume of dust motes that float through the air, catching in the first rays of sun peeking through the window upstairs. I see the red sky and heed it’s warning.
I pound the shit out the bag, a combination of punches and kicks, till sweat drips from me and every breath is a heaving inhale. I hold onto the punch bag, resting my forehead on it as I try to catch my breath.
I sense her before I see her, twisting my head to the side as she finally steps into view. The sun blazes in through the open door, casting her in a soft golden halo.
She’s fucking stunning.
What the hell is she doing with me?
Who the hell am I kidding with thisminebullshit?
“Did you win?” she asks, stepping further into the barn, a small smile playing on her lips.
“Course I fucking did. I always win,” I boast, tucking one gloved hand under my arm and pulling it off. I toss it over my shoulder, doing the same with other as I stalk toward her. I ignore the irritating fucking voice in my head that asks the question of whether that’s lie.
Her eyes flick over the duffel bag next to the trunk before coming back to me as I stop in front of her. Heat flashes in her eyes as she takes in my bare chest glistening with sweat.
“Keep looking at me like that, princess…” I let my words hang unspoken in the air as I reach out a hand and tug on several long strands of hair hanging over her shoulder. She steps back, something wicked glinting in her eyes.
“Yeah, promises, promises, Carter,” she cajoles, temping the hunter in me with another step.
She’s still only wearing my t-shirt, and I know for a damn fact she’s naked underneath. Her eyes track my hand as it drops away from her face, but only as far as my crotch. My cock is fucking steel inside my joggers, and I lay my hand over it, pressing against it and giving it a firm squeeze.
“It’s more than a fucking promise.” Her chest rises with a heavy exhale as she prepares to bolt. “You better run, princess,” I taunt, and the wicked little temptress hitches the hem of her t-shirt up her thighs, then she turns-tail out the door with a flash of her bare arse. I march after her, catching a glimpse of her as she rounds the back of the house. I pick up the pace, and I almost have her as she turns down the other side of the house, my fingertips brushing the back of her t-shirt.
“Oh, I’m going to make you pay for that, princess. I’m going to spank your arse and have you riding the edge all fucking night,” I call out and turn the corner, but something feels off, and I bolt after her as she disappears round the corner at the front of the house.
“Star,” I yell as I follow her and come to a grinding halt, almost ploughing into the back of her.
I wrap and arm around her, pulling her back behind me, and cutting off this cunt’s clear shot.
“Get the fuck off my property!” I snarl at him.
“I don’t think I will. I reckon I can get another mill added to the bounty. A two for the price of one.” He smiles, showing a set of gappy, crooked teeth, clearly thinking he’s hit the jackpot.
“Car—” Her hold on my hips tightens as I cut her off.
“Shh.” I angle the left side of my body toward Star slightly, keeping my left arm behind me. “Put your hand inside my pocket,” I whisper to her through the side of my mouth.
She hesitates. “Are you fucking serious?” she snaps, and I know what she’s thinking.
“Just fucking do it,” I tell her quietly. “Slowly,” I remind her as her hand leaves my hip, and I keep the idiot in front of us focused on me. “What the fuck you waiting for, dipshit?” I feel Star’s hand as she carefully slips it into the left front pocket of my joggers. I feel the exact moment she realises what’s there. “You’re not going to shoot me. Because if you miss…” I leave the rest unspoken, letting him wonder about what will happen if he misses as I feel Star slide out the small military pocketknife I have there and pass it to me. It’s not much, but I’ll make it fucking work. As soon as it’s in my hand, I push her back behind me fully as I straighten my body to face him and flick the blade open, keeping it concealed.
“I ain’t gonna miss. Gonna put a bullet in both your skulls then claim my money,” he hisses shakily.
His actions defy his words, and the tremble in his hand and his voice as he points the gun at me assures me that my words have unsettled him.
I take a step forward and thank fuck Star is smart enough to match it.
“Stay back, man,” he growls, his anxiety rising.
I take another step.
“Stay the fuck back. I’ll shoot!”
And another. He’s visibly shaking now.
“Yeah, I don’t fucking think so,” I say, bringing my right hand up in an arc and knocking his hand holding the gun to the side, leaving his front perfectly open for me. The strike is fast, and he doesn’t see it coming. The gun falls from his hand as his eyes widen, both hands coming up to clutch at his neck. I feel Star as she moves from behind me, bending to collect the gun from the ground.