Page 64 of Poisoned Pawn
Just like when I arrived, I have nothing to leave with. Even less if you consider that I’ve given myself over to Carter and unloaded some unnecessary baggage too.
Carter is more than a man.
He’s my salvation.
* * *
We’ve been driving for almost two hours after a heated argument between Roxy and Carter about whose car I was going in. I’ve never really been stuck in the middle when it comes to Roxy and someone else, not even her and Aidan. Those two have been unanimous when it comes to me. But my relationship with Carter has placed me firmly in the centre, piggy in the middle. And to a degree has even pitted Roxy, Maddox and Zak on different sides of the coin.
It’s an unsettling feeling and one I’m not used to but was prepared for. I don’t see it getting better any time soon either if something as small as a car journey has created this much drama.
Carter and Zak left a surprise for anyone that returns to his property in Wales. I’m a little concerned about what those two could cook up given more time together.
Roxy wasn’t able to tell us anything other than a name for the man who apparently posted the bounty on the dark web. Koda has been tasked with finding out everything he can before we arrive back.
Some part of me feels a little relief that this might all be over soon, but a smaller, quieter, nagging part is reluctant to believe it could be that easy.
I fall asleep and am woken some time later to the sound of Carter’s voice along with another man’s. I keep my eyes closed while I listen to whoever he’s talking to.
“That’s bullshit and you know it,” Carter snaps, his tone venomous even though his voice remains low.
“It’s not bullshit. We don’t concern ourselves with the politics of our world. It’s not our job to keep the peace or even give a fuck about who’s taking out who.”
“No? Then maybe you should start. Especially when you are being used as another pawn in the game. If you can’t give me a name, then I’ll find them myself, and I won’t give a fuck who I have to take out to do it. Including Shadows.”
“Watch yourself, Carter. Are you really prepared to start a war with the Shadows over this?”
“No, the real question is are you prepared if I do?”
There’s a moment of silence before Carter speaks again.
“In all the years I worked for you, there has never been a situation like this. A double pawn means you’re in on it or you have a fucking rogue Shadow. Whichever it is, fix it before I do.”
The car goes silent, which means their conversation is over. I intend to wait a couple more minutes before pretending to wake up.
“You can open your eyes now, princess,” Carter drawls knowingly beside me.
I do as he says, turning in my seat to face him. “Who was that?”
He sighs, snorting his breath through his nose and making his nostrils flare. I sense that whatever Carter says next is going to be profound.
“My old boss,” he says.
“That doesn’t tell me anything, Carter.”
“It wasn’t meant to.”
“But I need you to. So, I’ll ask again. Who was that?”
“Fuck,” he mutters, hands squeezing the steering wheel like it’s someone’s throat. “Lennox Fortune. He is the owner of the Shadow Guard.”
“Okay. Quit stalling and just tell me. What the hell is the Shadow Guard?”
We pass a sign for Manchester as Carter takes the slip road, and I know we are almost home.
“A secret society of assassins.” He lets his words hang in the air for a moment, giving me time to soak up that little nugget of information. “Lennox is the guy that trained me.”
This is unchartered territory for me. With all my knowledge of the world Aidan and my sister, and even myself to a degree, live in, this is an area I know little about. I guess the fact it’s a secret society goes some way to explain why.