Page 99 of Poisoned Pawn
“Kir,” Maddox states, and we all turn to look at him. “You said you thought Lev had someone on the inside feeding info back to Rook. It has to be Kir. It explains why Rook took him at the garages when he threatened to end the deal.”
“Loose fucking ends. Okay, but that would mean Lev has been supplying guns to the 51s. Guns they’ve used to take out his father’s men.”
Maddox shrugs. “No better way to take out the enemy and with the highest level of satisfaction.”
“Tonight’s meet is the perfect fucking trap,” I say, running ideas through my head. Can’t call it off because Rook will know. And also don’t want to let our only chance at cornering Rook slip by.
I tug my phone free and send a message to Koda asking him to check the chat and forums for anything between Mac51 and Gambit.
Koda comes back a few minutes later.
Nothing doing. Not a damn word anywhere from either of them. Seems fucking odd if you ask me.
Koda’s right, it is odd as fuck. Too damn quiet. And nothing good comes from this kind of silence.
Blaze finishes up with Lennox as I relay Koda’s message.
“We need to get back. And I need you to sort some Shadows to join us tonight. Ones you can fucking trust not to turn on us,” I say, pointing a finger at Lennox. He offers me a scowl but doesn’t argue. “Clean house, Lennox. Even the slightest suggestion that they are involved, cut the fuckers loose. And call me when that cunt talks.”
I wave a goodbye to Blaze as Maddox and I leave. I’m just getting in the car when my phone rings. I set it in the cradle and answer as I start the car.
“Frankie, what’s up?”
“Where are you?”
The question instantly has me on alert. Something’s wrong. “Just leaving. What the fuck is going on, Frankie?”
A heavy sigh rumbles down the line. “The house is compromised.” His words come out in a rush, but he doesn’t give me time to answer. “We are moving her somewhere new now. We’ll meet you back at the church in an hour.”
I can feel Maddox eyeing me from the passenger seat, and he’s smart enough to ask the question for me.
“What the fuck do you mean the house is compromised? You’ve been there five fucking minutes.”
“Not a conversation we need to have while driving. She’s safe. Just get back to the church.”
The line goes dead. I daren’t talk because the rage bubbling inside my blood is likely to set fire to this car and us along with it.
“Just drive, Carter. Rick will sort it, man.”
I drive. Like a fucking bat out of hell. All the while my mind spinning, throwing questions as to how the fuck the house is compromised already.
If I knew where the fuck they were going, I’d turn this car around and head straight there. But I don’t know, and that alone is making me fucking twitchy.
The two most important women in my life and I don’t have a fucking clue where they are. Relying on others to keep them safe isn’t something I’m used to.
I almost spin the back end of the car out turning into the drive, and come to a grinding halt round the back, kicking up dust and gravel.
There is no sign of the ambulance I know Frankie arranged, but there is a car I recognise parked up. He steps out of the car at the same time as me and Maddox. He’s also not alone. Parker steps out of the passenger side and walks round to join him as he waits for us.
“Do you know where they are?” I demand as I reach them.
“No because Rick isn’t stupid enough to tell me over the phone.” He waves his hand toward to the door, indicating for us to go inside.
My eyes bore into his for a moment longer before flicking to Parker. Then with a nod, I storm past them and into the church.
“What happened with Lennox?” Aidan asks Maddox as they enter behind me.