Page 12 of Detached
Last night, the anxiety had become too much. The wait was excruciating, so I’d come to Emma’s. Lost myself in her body. Her sweetness. Her light.
I didn’t deserve someone like Emma. But I just couldn’t seem to stop myself from taking her. At least Kincaid had known who she was sleeping with. The risks of being with someone like us. Emma didn’t even know she had a monster in her bed.
One of the most dangerous criminals this city had. A murderer.
But like all the other times I told myself I’d go, I didn’t. I couldn’t.
Being with her was like taking a deep breath. It filled me up. It felt like…peace. Calm. The beginning.
And the second I left her side, I couldn’t breathe. The air was stifling, hanging heavy in my lungs. The weight of who I was. The expectations put on me pressed down again until my lungs wouldn’t expand. But Emma took it all away.
It was selfish, but I wasn’t ready to let that go. Let her go.
I inhaled deeply, bringing her scent into my lungs. I didn’t know how it was possible, but she smelt like warm summer days. Like comfort. Like the sun.
I leaned forward, burying my nose in her hair, committing it to my memory. My lips trailed down, running along her neck. She squirmed against me; my dick jumped to life as her pert breasts pressed into my chest.
I slid my palm down her spine, cupping her plump ass as I rocked my hips into her. She gave a sleepy moan as my tongue flicked across her pulse. It fluttered under my touch, her body coming alive for me.
Her voice was sweet and sleepy as she sighed. “Matt.”
My gut clenched, guilt twisting my insides. She didn’t even know my real name. I told myself it didn’t matter because she knew me. Knew the person I could’ve been if I wasn’t born into this life. The person I wanted to be.
She tilted her head back, blinking as she woke up. My chest tightened as those bright blue eyes found me. The morning sun highlighted the gold ring around her pupils. Even her eyes looked like the sky and the sun to me.
Leaning forward, I captured her mouth. Her lips parted instantly as I threaded my fingers through her hair, yanking her close. I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t get enough of her. The clock always felt like it was ticking in the background. Counting down to the moment I would be forced to give her up.
Her nails bit into my chest as I consumed her, swallowing each whimper as our tongues slid together. I took everything she gave me and still demanded more. It would never be enough.
She gasped as I broke the kiss, my lips trailing down her neck. I nipped at her flesh, marking her soft skin as she writhed against me. “I want you again,sole mia.”
Her laugh sunk deep inside me, making my soul feel light. Somehow cleansing it with her sweetness. “Coffee first.”
She pressed at my chest, trying to get away, but I gripped her hips. Positioning her on top of me, straddling my lap. Her perky tits bounced as she yelped in surprise. “Come first.”
* * *
I grasped Emma’s hand as she stood from the bed, pulling her back for one more kiss. It was soft and sweet. Her lips fit perfectly against mine. “I’m going to get dressed, and then we can grab coffee before you have to leave.”
My head fell against the pillows as I watched her ass sway back and forth as she walked away. She was so goddamn beautiful I already ached to be inside her again.
My stomach dropped at how right it all felt. Waking up together. Having sex. Getting coffee. Like we were a normal couple. Like I hadn’t come to her bed after spending hours torturing someone. Like I wasn’t going to ruin her.
The click of a camera ripped me from my thoughts. Emma stood in a yellow sundress, camera in hand, as she smiled. Her bright eyes disappeared as she looked through the viewfinder to take another picture.
“What are you doing?” I scowled at her as she placed one knee on the bed, the camera still clicking away.
“I told you, you’d make a great model. All those muscles. That face. The crook in your lip.”Click. “And right now, shirtless in bed with this dazed look, it’s perfect.”Click.
I lunged, grabbing her around the waist and yanking her to me. Emma laughed in delight as she fell against my chest. My own laugh surprised me as I nuzzled her neck. “That dazed look is your fault.”
I grasped her chin, bringing her mouth to mine, unable to stop myself from taking another taste. She was like a drug. An addiction I knew I’d never get rid of.
I groaned as her tongue tangled with mine. My fingers dug into her flesh as I held her tighter. I wanted to absorb her into my very being, so I never had to be without her.
I broke the kiss, my eyes flicking to her outstretched hands where she held the camera. A smile tugged on my lips as she took another picture. And another as she leaned forward, kissing my cheek.