Page 6 of Detached
I relished the silence that came after. Only the steady rhythm of his blood dripping to the floor filled the room now. It soothed me in a way I hated. It was disgusting how familiar it was. Like a childhood lullaby.
I walked to the door, needing to get away. From the decisions that had been made without me. From the death I’d caused. From the darkness that coated my soul.
I paused as I grasped the door handle looking at the floor as I addressed my sister. “If you do this, I can’t save you.”
I didn’t wait for her response. My feet carried me up the stairs and out the door. The crickets chirped in the night as I stood on my uncle’s porch. Wondering how it had come to this. How we had decided revenge was more important than lives.
I felt like I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t see. I felt dirty. Dark. Like I’d never be clean again. Like I’d never see the light. I didn’t deserve it.
But, like everything else in my life, I would take it.
The mascara wand clattered against the sink as it fell from my shaking fingers. Black streaks stained the white tile as I fumbled to pick it up. My hand trembled as I shoved it back into the bottle, deciding it wasn’t worth risking my eye over. I let out a shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves.
In the week since I agreed to go on a date with Matt, I’d rethought the decision a million times. My life was a mess right now. The last thing I needed to do was add a man to it. Even if he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen.
I tilted my head at my reflection. My hair was down, falling just below my shoulders. My slightly large lips were painted pink. I’d kept my makeup light and fresh. It had taken years, but I no longer hated the freckles covering my cheeks.
But as I smoothed a wrinkle in the green dress I’d chosen, I wondered if I’d made the right choice. Was it overly sexy for a first date? Did it look like I was trying too hard?
The fabric had a slight shimmer, gleaming as the light caught it. It highlighted the unique yellow ring around my pupils, making my eyes pop. But it clung to my round hips and scooped low over my breasts, doing the best it could to display would little cleavage I had. I felt good in it. Confident.
My stomach flipped as the doorbell rang. I guess it was too late to change the dress now. I didn’t bother worrying about cleaning up or the lingerie scattered around the living room that I’d been photographing.
My hands twitched with nerves again as I reached for the door handle, pulling it open to reveal the gorgeous man on the other side. A lock of his dirty blonde hair curled on his forehead. His bright green eyes danced as they swept across my body, making my skin tingle like he’d touched me. His lips pulled into that crooked smile that had drawn me in.
In the time since our first meeting, I’d wondered if I’d over-exaggerated his looks. If my tired, lonely mind had conjured a man who couldn’t exist. But two seconds in his presence and I felt it again. The space between us electrified as I smiled back.
“Hi.” I rolled my lips together to stop myself from saying more. Already embarrassed by the breathy quality of my voice. But I couldn’t seem to control my reaction to him.
“Wow. Emma, you look….” He shook his head like he couldn’t find the words. “Seiunraggiodisole.” You’re a ray of sunshine.
My cheeks blushed as we stared at each other. Both of us frozen in place. “I don’t know what that means, but thank you.”
His eyes darkened as if it pleased him that I didn’t know, but I had no idea why it would. He was a complete mystery to me. In the hour we’d talked before, all I’d learned was that he was in charge of some large company. Not being from Sayton City, I didn’t know much about the big corporations here.
Not knowing him didn’t stop this attraction. This bone-deep yearning to be close to him. It wasn’t something I’d ever felt before. I’d had boyfriends. Slept with a few guys in college, but I’d never felt this need to be near someone.
To feel like I already knew them without actually knowing a thing. Feeling like it was fate that we met. That we were meant to be in each other’s lives. I was too responsible to think stuff like that existed. Those fleeting notions weren’t something I believed in.
Until now.
“The translation isn’t important. Just… I’m extremely happy to see you again.” I licked my lips as his deep voice settled inside me. His words lit a fire next to my heart. “Should we go?” I shook my head, trying to clear the trance I was in as he gestured down the hall. “I made reservations at The Tower.”
“The fancy restaurant at the top of Tower Plaza?” He nodded as I grabbed my keys, shutting and locking the door behind me.
My eyes flicked to his suit that seemed to fit him like a second skin. The watch gleaming on his wrist. The gold cross dangling from his neck. I guess whatever his job was, it paid well.
I registered that everything he wore was expensive, but it was the way his suit fit him that made my body heat. His broad muscles were barely contained by it. And he moved with power. Like he knew and trusted in his strength.
One side of his mouth twitched as his hand fell to my low back. My skin warmed from the contact. My nipples tightened, pressing into the fabric of my dress. My core clenched at just this simple touch.
“The food is excellent.” He answered as he pressed the button for the elevator. His hand never left my body, making my heart jump in my chest.
I felt like I couldn’t get my reactions under control. Like I shouldn’t be this turned on by his closeness. He was like a drug making my typically focused mind fuzzy.