Page 10 of Mile High Salvation
My brow furrows. I type a reply.
Me:What do you mean?
Christa:Everyone I know who works out has bad knees, bad hips, bad backs, etc. They go mountain biking and fall and hurt themselves. They run marathons and sprain an ankle. They lift weights and drop one on their foot. I’ll stick to my lunchtime walks with my boss ;)
I laugh a snort, startling the guy sharing the elevator with me.
Me:Pizza it is then, hater!
Christa:Your place or mine?
Me:Mine. See you @ 6, gorgeous!
She puts a “heart” reaction on my last text and I smile. I forgot the new phones could do that.
I’m freshly showeredand waiting for the pizza guy to arrive. I ordered wings and breadsticks too, in case she wanted that. I’m still getting to know her tastes. From what I’ve seen, she’s not picky, and has only expressed a dislike of mushrooms and mustard.
The doorbell rings and I race to it to find both the pizza guy and my girl. The guy is looking at her like she’s dessert and I want to knock his teeth in.
“Hello, gorgeous,” I greet, grabbing her hand and kissing it before I even acknowledge the guy.
“Hi,” she says, batting her long eyelashes up at me. “Pizza’s here.” She juts her thumb over her shoulder as she makes herself comfortable in my home.
I pay the guy cash, including tip, and close the door more forcefully than I need to.
“You okay?” Christa asks, taking off her sweater. She wears black yoga pants and a tight red tank top that shows off her every curve, the swell of her breasts begging to be licked.
“Don’t you know when you’re being flirted with and ogled?” I ask her, rubbing a hand along the back of my neck and trying to sound cool but I’m not.
She stares at me confused, her brown eyes wide. “You think he was flirting with me?”
“Who wouldn’t?” I ask, grabbing paper plates from the top of the microwave because I hate doing dishes, even though Christa loads my dishwasher ninety percent of the time.
She slithers up behind me, puts both arms on my chest, and rests her head against my back. “Well, I didn’t notice because I only have eyes for your blue ones.”
I turn around and stare down at her to see she’s absolutely sincere. “Well, I appreciate that. I can be kind of... jealous. Not sure if that’s the right word.”
She laughs and starts opening boxes. “Well, if I saw a woman flirting with you, I’d go apeshit.”
That surprises me. “Why?”
“Because you’re mine,” she whispers, circling her arms around my waist while I stare into her eyes.
“Am I?” I breathe.
She nods, capturing her bottom lip into her mouth. “Yes. I think I’ve proven that to you.”
“I guess we should have ‘the talk’ then?” I ask with air quotes and head to the dining room table. My stomach feels like it’s chewing on my backbone I’m so hungry.
She lifts a shoulder. “If you want to. I’m not seeing anyone else, and I just got on the pill a couple of weeks ago so you can raw dog me.”
I choke on the sip of water I just took from a bottle. “Raw dog?”
“Yeah, you know. Ride me bareback? No rubbers?”
“Yes, I get it. Never heard that term before,” I reply with a chuckle. “I can’t wait to raw dog you.”