Page 13 of Mile High Salvation
I mean, I could think of a hundred different ways we could spend time together, but this much physical exertion isn’t it.
“No,” I lie. “As long as I can spend time with you, it’s all good. I’m just... ah, out of shape.”
He draws me in close, our warm bodies flush. “Well, I happen to love your shape.” Then, he kisses my nose and waves. “C’mon. We’re almost there.”
I flush at the feel of his lips on me, albeit briefly, and keep hiking. I’m using a large stick I found to help me keep my footing because I’m clumsy as hell.
“Look, I can see the top!” He points and I shield my eyes with the flat of my hand while I look up. We’re getting close and I see snow at the peak. Which explains why I’m less sweaty and almost cold.
“Yay,” I mutter sarcastically so he can’t hear it. I go to take a step again and stumble, falling onto my knee. I cry out.
“Oh, my God, Christa!” Eric rushes over as I’m humiliated, on the ground, covered in dirt. I My knee throbs and stings, and I pant, noticing the can of oxygen has rolled away from me when I put my hands out to brace my fall. I look to see a large rock tripped me, and I silently curse nature and basically all of Colorado.
Without a word, Eric unzips his pack and pulls out a first-aid kit. He pours something on the gash that stings and causes me to hiss, then gently wipes it away with a disposable cloth. Then, he dresses the wound with a large bandage.
“Can you stand?” he asks after putting the kit away. He holds his hand out, and I grab it.
“Yes, it’s just a scrape. I’m fine. But like I told you—”
“Exercise is bad, I know.”
We both laugh and he hugs me. “We can head back down now. I can see how much you hate this.”
“I don’t... hate it. Just not used to it.”
With his arm around me, he points off into the distance. “You see those cables?”
I squint to where he points. I hadn’t noticed before, but there are lines leading from the top of the mountain and disappearing through a cloud bank going south. When I squint, I see small cars attached to the lines, like a ski lift.
“Yes! What is that?”
“I was going to surprise you and tell you that we don’t have to hike down. We can take a gondola lift down to a mostly flat area. I mean, it’ll be about a quarter mile walk back to the car, but it’s a nice ride down. Damn beautiful view. But...”
“But what? Let’s go!” I say, grabbing the sleeve of his Under Armor shirt.
“But we have to get to the top before we reach it. Can you still hike?” he asks, scooping some hair that escaped my ponytail to loop it behind my ear.
I roll my eyes. “It’s just a scratch. Let’s go!”
I’ve got a second wind now that we have a carefree ride down the mountain. A gondola ride sounds like heaven right about now.
The breath leaves mybody as we’re whooshed into the air the minute the lift’s door closes. Just the two of us, Eric’s backpack on the floor of the car that has a faint smell of vomit, but I don’t care. He slides his arm around me.
“Look at this view!” I cry, pointing at the deep canyon below us. I see nothing but trees and rock and my stomach turns. But... it’s gorgeous. “I can see the whole city from here! Hell, multiple cities!”
I turn to see Eric chuckling in my ear. “I love how excited you are. First time, I assume?”
“I didn’t even know this was here. Shit... I need to get out more.”
“I’ll make sure that happens.” He lifts his sunglasses and stares into my eyes, and I’m so mesmerized by his blue orbs that I no longer have the desire to look at the scene surrounding us. Then, he kisses me, and I lose my breath.
As our tongues mingle, our hands wander. I’m missing out on a beautiful scene, but I don’t care. Eric is all I see. My hand moves to his belt and I unbuckle it, then unbutton his khaki shorts before running the zipper down. He’s predictably hard, and reaching into his underwear, I run my thumb over the tip of his cock, loving the feel of his precum oozing out. I break the kiss and take a look around. The nearest cars are at least ten feet in front and behind us, so lower myself to the floor, using his backpack as a cushion for my poor knee, and yank down his pants and underwear. My mouth latches onto the head of his cock, and while making eye contact, I give it a hard suck, then use my tongue to lick him from base to shaft. He moans and closes his eyes, his head craned back.
“Fuck, baby,” he murmurs.
This, of course, encourages me, so I lick some more, running my tongue over the veiny shaft and then swirling it over his cock head. He grips my ponytail like a handle and I love it. Next, I take his entire dick in my mouth, loving how it bumps the back of my throat. I hum in appreciation and his cock jerks in appreciation. More precum oozes out and I lap it up with each turn up to the top.