Page 35 of Mile High Salvation
He smiles. “No worries. May I?” He points at the phone and shows me how to access the QR code, then he scans it with a device in his hand that looks like what the servers at restaurants use when you pay.
“Enjoy yourself,” he says as he hands me the phone back.
I head up the wooden ramp leading into the warehouse door and walk down a long hallway. At the end, it opens into a very large room with some very... questionable things going on.
People are literally having sex, in one way or another, all over the fucking place.
I close my mouth and hold my head high as I walk slowly. My first instinct is to look away, as if I’m not supposed to watch, and then realize that’s the opposite of what I should be doing. These people are fucking and sucking out in the open because they want to be watched.
Each “station” is separated by what looks like a wooden coral gate, but that’s the only thing that separates them. My gaze is stuck on three people. The completely naked woman straddling a man on a mechanical bull that isn’t moving. Her feet are in the stirrups and she holds onto the saddle-horn with her head thrown back. I startle when the bull starts to move slowly, and she squeals in delight, as the movement is forcing the guy’s dick inside her with jerky movements. The other woman wears all black leather and holds a leash attached to a collar around the man’s neck. Every time he moans, she whips him with a long leather whip, and he cries out and jerks, which causes the woman on top of him to squeal.
Another couple is having oral sex, her underneath him lying flat on the ground as he fucks her mouth as a man pounds into him from behind. The man getting the blow job slides a huge purple dildo in and out of her pussy as she blows him.
Looks complicated.
There are many scenarios like this, some all men, some all women, but most a combination of both. There are sometimes just two people all the way up to five in one “coral” and it’s quite interesting and I would lie if I didn’t say my panties weren’t getting damp from watching it. The whole room smells like booze and sex. Total debauchery.
I go up to the bar and wait in line to order something to help me relax because I’m fairly wound up.
“Hi,” I hear behind me.
A woman in a long white dress stands behind me. I can see her dark nipples through her dress and I’m fairly sure if I stared long enough, her dark bush as well.
“Hi,” I reply.
“You here alone?” she asks.
She seems a little older, maybe mid-forties, and pretty.
Unsure how to answer, I say, “Something like that.”
“Are you here to just watch or do you wanna play? My partner and I are looking for a girl and you, my dear, are quite delicious.” She eyes me from my toes to my head and even though I’m not into girls, it’s kind of hot.
“Well, I’m not into women.” I feel stupid and lame at that answer.
“Oh, that’s fine. I’d love to watch him fuck you. He loves the curvy girls.” She slides her hand down my waist to my hips and then around to my ass where she squeezes.
“Oh... um...”
It’s my turn to order a drink and I do so quickly. I’m stupidly uncomfortable with the conversation and I tell her I’ll think about it. Again, lame, I know.
I walk away with my vodka martini and find a corner to watch from. I’m more comfortable watching for now, and hope nobody else approaches me. I have no idea what it would be like to have some guy have sex with me while his wife watches. Would it be a turn-on? I guess it depends on the guy. Taryn told me they have darkrooms here too. Pitch black can’t-see-your-hand-in-front-of-your-face dark, to just a red light, to full lights. What would it be like to have sex with a stranger in the pitch black, not even knowing what they look like or how big their dick is?
A sign readingViewing Roomscatches my eye, and I wander over there. It’s an area that leads to a hallway of rooms. There’s a male attendant dressed like the doorman.
“Evening, miss,” he greets. “Looking for anything in particular?”
He looks kind and friendly, so I admit, “It’s my first time. What’s this?” I point to the hallway.
“It’s our voyeur area. You can watch couples who choose to lift the screen.”
“Oh, okay,” I reply as if I have any idea what he’s talking about. “So I just choose a room?”
He nods. “Yes, miss. The available rooms have the door open.”
“Cool, thanks.”