Page 16 of Just One Dance
“More like a lot.” No point in not being realistic.
His smile didn’t fade. “Yes. A lot. And there will be obstacles. But the more it mulls over in the back of my mind, the more I’m convinced it’s doable. And even though I can’t be hands onandrun the ranch, it’s better than just cutting a check.”
No matter how many times she rode out on their own land, no matter how many beautiful places she traveled to, nothing took away the sense of wonder and home that warmed her at the sight of Texas hills. Especially during blue bonnet season. A few hours ago, she’d already begun to consider there was more to Jared Gold than the carousing pal of her jet-setting brother. Now she was absolutely positive there was so much more to this man. “I want to help.”
Jared’s head whipped around to face her. “You do?”
She could feel her cheeks pulling at her lips. “Don’t look so surprised. I really do.” One more charity wasn’t going to kill her. At least she didn’t think so. Then again, she let her gaze drift to Jared. Of course, having a hunk heading up the next charity wasn’t such a bad thing either.
From his pocket, his cell phone sounded. It took her a few moments, but she finally recognized the ring-tone as “Friends in Low Places” and couldn’t hold back the laugh.
Jared rolled his eyes at her and muttered, “I like Garth Brooks,” before answering. “Hello.”
She couldn’t hear the person on the other side, but from the deep frown cutting into his forehead, she didn’t need to hear to know it wasn’t anything good.
Nothing could send a heart rate racing more than hearing your mother prattling on frantically in a clear and obvious state of panic. “Mom. Slow down. What happened?”
“Mary. Oh dear God, I don’t think she’s breathing. There’s no one here.”
“Mom. Deep breath. Cook went to the store. She’ll be home soon. What happened to Mary?”
“I. Don’t. Know. She’s just lying on the floor. Father, help her. I think she fell down the stairs.”
“Crap.” He was too far from the house to help. “Did you call 911?”
“What good will that do? This isn’t Houston.”
“Mom. Hang up. Call 911 now. Hold tight. Don’t move her. I’m on my way.” Jared wanted to turn the horse around and haul ass back to the house, but he needed to make a call first.
He looked to Eve, whose eyes held all the worry he felt. “Mary took a fall. She’s unconscious.”
All she did was nod and turn the horse without needing any more information. She was in hurry up mode too, except he needed to make one more call.
Flipping through contacts, he hit the Governor’s number and loosening the reins, nudged the horse into a full gallop.
“Governor. This is Jared.”
“You sound out of breath, boy. What’s wrong? Eve?”
“Sorry. No. We’re racing back to my house. Mary took a fall. She’s unconscious at the bottom of the stairs and Mom is freaking out.”
“No worries. I’ll call Doc Rayburn. Have him meet us there.”
“Thanks, sir.” He didn’t bother with anymore pleasantries. There was no need for more information. It was clear with the word “us” that the Governor would beat them all home. Knowing the family the way Jared did, he expected to find Ms. Lila there as well.
He and Eve were flying back. Sugar was a sweet horse and thank heavens she was also fast as lightning. His horse too. As a matter of fact, he was pretty sure the two animals were enjoying the chance to let loose. He just hoped his mother didn’t have a heart attack before the cavalry arrived.
Usually, the return trip home always seemed shorter than the trip leaving home. Every party, every long drive, even though the distance and time was the same, it always felt shorter going home. Not this time. The ride seemed eternal. If memory served correctly, he hadn’t raced a horse since he was a teen. He and his buddies would race like their very lives depended on it and then his dad would scold them for over-working the horses. They’d loved every minute of it. Right now, he wished his horse really could fly.
By the time the house was within sight, he could see the row of cars as well. The Governor had no doubt come with reinforcements. The sight had him and Eve pushing their horses a little harder than they probably should have. Neither stopped at the stables, they raced right up to the back door. Eve was first off her mount. “I’ll walk them back to the stables. You go see what’s going on. I’ll meet you.”
He shook his head, nearly jumped off the horse and was already speed dialing the stable. “No need. I’ll have Randy come get them.”
“Okay.” She followed him into the house running almost as fast as he was.
Before he got through the kitchen, he’d briefed Randy and was once again praying nothing was serious with Mary.