Page 23 of Just One Dance
Jared nodded. He’d been thinking it through too but hadn’t come to a decision on if it made more sense for him to move into Mary’s quarters, or for Jake to move into the main house. At least in the main house he had other staff to help him keep tabs on the boy while Jared was working.
“What are you thinking?” This time Eve let her gaze level with his.
“Sleeping arrangements.”
“Care to get more specific?” The corners of her mouth tipped upward and he had a feeling it had nothing to do with where to house Mary’s grandson.
“I think it would be easier on me if he stayed at the house, but I’m not convinced it’s what’s best for Jake.”
“Does the boy spend much time at your house?” Ms. Lila asked.
Jared shrugged. “He spends a lot of time in the kitchen. He does his homework there. Sometimes he helps the cook if Mary’s really busy. But I rarely see him in the main part of the house.”
“How rarely is rarely?” The Governor sported a stern expression.
“A handful of times a year. Most often around holidays when Mary is decorating for seasonal festivities.”
“Then I guess that answers your question.” Ms. Lila both grinned and dipped her chin as if that was that. Too bad he wasn’t sure what his answer was.
“Good. Now that it’s settled that the boy will be staying with you, I’d like to discuss your charity.”
What Jared didn’t understand is why did he seem to be the only person in the room who didn’t see the answer so clearly? At least, in a roundabout way, he now knew that Jake was moving into a guest room. Preferably near him. Just in case. “Yes, sir.”
“I’ve discussed your idea with Mrs. Baron.”
Jared nodded. He had no idea where the Governor was going with this and didn’t want to give his confusion away by saying something stupid.
“We like it very much.”
That was good news. Not that it would change anything if the Governor thought it was a bad idea, but his negative impression would give him pause.
“It’s a big job starting a charity organization of the caliber you’re thinking about. Especially now with the added distraction of caring for a young boy.”
This time he probably nodded a bit more vehemently than he had a moment ago. He expected just about everything was going to be more challenging while Jake was his responsibility.
“Lila and I have the experience with this sort of thing and most definitely more time than you do.”
There was no arguing that. The Barons were founding members of many a South Texas charity.
“Start up costs are going to be high because of the caliber of horse needed. Legal fees, and any construction won’t be cheap.”
“I imagine not.” Finally something he could say.
“My wife and I want to partner with you.”
“Excuse me?” Of all the things he expected the Governor to say, that wasn’t even remotely on his list of possibilities.
“There’ll be a need for more horses. The right horses. Some extra hands. And there will be a need for sponsors. We can help defer some of the up-front costs, and then reach out to others to off set the rest of the expenses. What do you say?”
As distracted as he’d been all week with Mary’s health and worrying about her grandson, the idea of the charity for kids of wounded veterans who were falling through the cracks wouldn’t let go of him. Deep down, he knew he needed to move forward. The days of simply writing a check were now gone. He had no doubt that the idea was a good one, and that he and his family ranch had what it would take to make the idea work. Except, the one key thing he didn’t have a whole lot of under normal circumstances, and even less of now—time. Regardless, there was no one he trusted more than the Barons to help him get this idea off the ground. “Where do I sign?”
Both the Governor and his wife laughed. Eve simply held onto his hand, and yet, it was more reassuring than anything the doctors or Governor had said to him. Staring down at her long beautiful fingers and soft delicate hand, he was certain of one thing, Eve Baron was the best thing to happen to him. It didn’t matter if they’d been growing closer for one week or one month or one year. However long, he was most definitely falling in love with this sweet, kindhearted woman. The question at hand now was how could he win her over? He couldn’t go back to living without Eve in his life. He just couldn’t.
Chapter Ten
After dinner Friday night, the conversation drifted around the new charity Jared wanted to start. No surprise to anyone, Eve’s grandparents knew a great deal. The two had brought up several issues that hadn’t occurred to Jared, and certainly hadn’t occurred to her. By the time the rancher left the rambling home, he had a to-do list longer than his arm and she was thrilled that her family could be of help to him.
On Saturday morning the four of them had toured the land and facilities that Jared wanted to dedicate for the use of the charity. The Governor didn’t believe in putting off for tomorrow what could be done today. Even if that meant calling a lawyer on his day off. By dinnertime, they had an appointment with the best non-profit attorney in the state, had a list of the best breeders and trainers, and by dessert had narrowed the list of horse breeders down to one. Connor Farraday. Apparently, the man knew horses the way she knew perfume. Maybe more. Another phone call from the Governor and he and Jared would be expected in West Texas the following weekend.