Page 26 of Just One Dance
“Wait a minute, y’all.” Eve waved her hand between the two. “Circle back to what’s important. Why aren’t you with Jake and what happened to Craig?”
“Craig had to take an important call and the captain’s cabin is smaller than you’d think. I was basically told there was no room for me, and that Craig would bring Jake up here when he was finished with his tour.”
“There’s room for Craig but not you?” That made no sense to her.
“No. Craig’s leaning over the landing yelling at someone about a budget and postponing his flight back to the set. I considered waiting outside the cabin door for him, but didn’t want to intrude on his conversation.”
“Nonsense. Craig should have taken the call elsewhere.”
“Maybe. He mumbled something about reception on the yacht before turning his back to us.”
That much she knew was true. Her cell phone rarely worked from most places inside the ship.
The intercom phone buzzed and Kyle picked up. “Yes… Uh huh… Thanks.”
Nothing like eavesdropping on a man of few words.
“That was the captain. He said that Craig took the boy to the game room. Suggested we join them up deck.”
Craig really was the most adept at dealing with kids. The lounge was perfectly peaceful and comfortable for adults, but didn’t hold a great deal of promise for a young boy. She pushed to her feet, reached for her cola, and smiled at the two men. “Shall we go?”
“No point avoiding the firing squad.” Jared smiled to soften his words. She knew he was teasing, and yet, there seemed to be a hint of sincerity in his words. He finished the last of his tea in one long gulp and stood.
“I don’t think it’s going to be that bad.” Kyle slapped his once upon a time party wing man on the shoulder. “Y’all will find your footing and before you know it, Mary will be home and everything will be well.”
Oh, how he hoped Eve’s brother was right. After all, what the heck did he know about parenting kids?
Chapter Eleven
Despite the sense of calm and tranquility that usually came with a day on any of the family boats, even before they’d picked Jake up at camp, today had felt like walking on egg shells. Every step was carefully thought out and executed. She knew Jared felt the same way by the strength with which he’d gripped her hand as they maneuvered their way to the yacht’s game room.
Walking at her side, his grip strong but not so steady, Jared leaned in, his voice low, “Thank you.”
“Any time.” She squeezed his hand and then smiled up at him. “What did I do?”
For the first time all day he chuckled and flashed a real smile. Not the put-on smile to reassure Jake, but a deep from the heart smile that creased the corners of his eyes and made the dark blue irises sparkle with amusement. “Just being you. Being here.”
“Can’t think of any place I’d rather be.”
Now he squeezed her hand again and pulled her just a shade closer to him. Taking a moment to look over his shoulder at her brother Kyle on their heels, Jared blew out a slow, heavy sigh. Whether it was from his concern for young Jake or if he’d felt the need to kiss her as strongly as she wanted to kiss and reassure him, she had no idea.
“What took you so long?” Craig sat across from Jake, cards in his hands, a pensive crease between his brows.
“It didn’t take us that long.” Kyle crossed the room and pulled the drapes open wider to let in more light.
“What is everyone doing up here?” Addison, Kyle’s wife, bounced into the room, a bright smile on her face. She immediately honed in on her spouse and with an affectionate but discreet hug, gave him a quick peck on the cheek, but not before Eve’s brother drank his wife in with his eyes. The sheer adoration made Eve want to swoon with envy.
As if he could read her mind, Jared gave her hand another squeeze. The warmth that rushed through her had her lips tipping upward in a contented smile and her cheeks flushing with heat.
“Playing cards.” Craig didn’t take his eyes off the cards in his hand.
“I love cards.” Addison pulled away from her husband and slid into an empty chair and smiled at Jake. “Who do we have here?”
Focusing on his cards, the kid remained silent.
“This is Jake, my housekeeper Mary’s grandson.” Jared flashed a less than easy smile.
“Nice to meet you, Jake.” Addison waited a beat for the boy to say something and then turned to Craig. “What are we playing? Rummy.”