Page 33 of Just One Dance
“I’m sure they’ll tell us as soon as they know something.” It was a lame thing to say, but she’d hoped that an update was coming sooner than later. What she really wanted was for the little boy to jump up and come running out the door shouting April fools. Fat chance of that in the middle of August. All she could think of now was, what would they tell Mary if anything happened to that little card shark?
Fingers clacking away on the keyboard, without looking away from her screen, the woman behind the desk casually muttered, “I’ll be with you in a second.”
Jared nodded. He may have grunted as well, but he felt trapped in a numbing cloud. Why hadn’t he been paying closer attention?
“There we go.” The woman smiled and turned to face Jared. “I need some basic info. What’s your son’s name?”
“Jake Harlow. And he’s not my son.”
The woman’s gaze narrowed and turned to Eve. “Are you his mother?”
Her hand curling gently around his, Eve shook her head.
The lady’s frown deepened as she returned her attention to him. “Are you his guardian?”
“Not exactly.”
The frown finally slipped and her brows arched high on her forehead. “Define ‘not exactly’.”
“His grandmother is his guardian.”
“I see. And where’s the grandmother?”
“Fifth floor.”
“Oh, she works here.” A relieved smile took over the woman’s face.
“No. She’s a patient in ICU.”
The frown returned. “All right. Let me get more information.”
For the next few minutes, Jared gave the woman what little information he had. He knew the boy was covered under Mary’s insurance because he paid for the policy, but all he could tell the woman was the carrier’s name. He also had no clue what Jake’s social security number was, the exact date of his birth, or if he had allergies to any medication. Other than knowing his full name and address, there was little Jared could offer.
“I’ll be right back.” She pushed away from her workstation and hurried through a set of double doors.
“Houston, I think we’ve got a problem.” He kept his gaze on the doors the woman had walked through, and kept his grip tight on Eve’s hand.
“Let’s not go borrowing trouble just yet, but I’ll call the Governor. You know, just in case.”
Jared nodded. He had a strong feeling that this might be one of those times when who you know helped, and the Governor was a very big who.
“That won’t be necessary,” the deep voice of Eve’s grandfather rumbled behind him.
The Governor had not only entered the building as if he was a brigadier general organizing his troops, his troops were following him in the door.
“I called the Governor before we left the house. Thought he might want to know what was happening.” Bless Cook, the woman was slight in stature but like Mary, big in heart and always had his back.
“Are you all right, dear?” Lila Baron sidled up to her granddaughter.
“It’s not me I’m worried about.” Eve didn’t let go of his hand, but her gaze drifted to the direction the gurney had disappeared down.
“Children are resilient.”
He didn’t dare say the first thing that came to mind,but not immortal.
“We’d better have a seat. I’ll see if I can find out what’s going on.” The Governor waved a hand in the general direction of the waiting room while his gaze scanned the area. Shaking his head, he opted instead to pull out his phone.
Jared had no idea who the man was calling as he walked out of eavesdropping distance. All he could see was the man scowling and nodding.