Page 37 of Just One Dance
A broad grin took over Lila’s face. “Judge Clifford.”
The Governor nodded, but didn’t smile or frown or give any other indication if the outcome of his conversation with Judge Clifford was good or bad. Jared’s unease must have shown, because all of a sudden, he felt Eve’s fingers weave with his. Turning in her direction, he was surprised to realize she’d inched her way across the room without him noticing, but the sweet smile and squeeze of his hand told him that she had more confidence in what the Governor was about to say than he did.
“We can expect to receive his certification of guardianship before the social services rep can find a parking space.”
“Certification?” Cook asked.
Again, the Governor nodded. “Normally emergency certification is done through a hearing that can take weeks to get on the dockets. Something that completely belies the concept of emergency, but I digress. Besides my recommendation,” the Governor pointed casually in Jared’s direction, “the judge played golf a time or two with your father. He didn’t need much convincing that you would be a suitable guardian. With Cook’s help, of course.”
That last comment made the queen of the Gold kitchen smile from ear to ear. “I guess now we can go home and sleep in peace.”
Both Cook and Lila Baron stood at the same moment the shift nurse appeared in the doorway. “Visiting hours are over, folks. The young man needs his rest. Y’all can come back first thing in the morning.”
Multiple heads bobbed in agreement. Still holding Eve’s hand, Jared stood from his seat by Jake’s bed and not letting go of her, using his other hand, he grabbed hold of Jake’s thin fingers. “You get a good night sleep. Tomorrow, we’ll spring you from this place. Sound good?”
Jake nodded. “At home, can I have some of Cook’s banana bread?”
“I’ll bake an extra loaf for you,” the still smiling lady promised the little boy, putting a matching grin on his face.
“And how would you feel about helping me out tomorrow?” Jared remained at the boy’s bedside a moment longer.
“You mean in the barn?” The boy’s lips pressed into a thin line. “I don’t think MeeMaw would like that.”
Jared nodded, but he didn’t like it. What good was growing up on a ranch if you never got to do any of the fun things most children enjoy? Whether Mary liked it or not, it was time for the kid to break loose, and Jared was just the man for the job.
Chapter Fifteen
Coming to work may not have been Eve’s best idea. After they’d left the hospital last night, for the short car ride home they kicked around the options for the next day. Since Jared expected to waste hours with social services over guardianship, he didn’t see the point in Eve being frustrated alongside him. So here she sat, pretending to work while waiting for Jared to call.
“You’re doing it again.” Isabel stood in the doorway.
Immediately, Eve focused on the work in front of her. “Doing what?”
“Sitting here but thinking somewhere else.”
There was no point in continuing the pretence. She tossed her pen on the table top and rolled away from her work station. “I shouldn’t have come in today, should have gone straight to the hospital.”
Isabel’s eyes rounded as she hurried forward. “What happened? Are you all right? Something broken? Are you in pain? Should I get the car, give you a ride?”
“Whoa.” Eve waved her hand at her friend. “Slow down. I didn’t mean for me.”
“Oh, no. The woman in the hospital? She didn’t make it?”
Eve shook her head. “She’s still hanging on. This time, my neighbor’s ward fell from the hay loft and knocked himself out.”
“Uh,” Isabel gasped as her hand flew to her heart. “How is he?”
Eve shrugged. “Mild concussion, but the hospital kept him overnight for observation.”
“Well, that’s good. Kids are surprisingly resilient. They’ve been falling out of trees and hay lofts for generations.”
“I suppose.” She knew deep down that Isabel was right. Heaven knew her own brothers had survived racing boats, riding horses, climbing trees, and a host of other childhood mishaps, including crossing the roof to sneak up on the barn without being noticed by their parents. It was a miracle Kyle didn’t kill himself when he fell off and landed on the south side balcony. “I just don’t like not knowing what’s happening.”
“So go.”
Eve’s gaze shot up to Isabel.
“Why do you look so surprised? Youdoown the place. You’re allowed to do whatever you want.”