Page 42 of Just One Dance
“I beg your pardon?” Craig slapped his hand on his heart and tipped his head back. “You wound me.”
“Oh, brother.” Siobhan rolled her eyes.
“You rang?” Kyle appeared at Siobhan’s opposite side.
“Your brother is being a ham.”
Considering Craig was her brother too, Kyle’s brow shot up and Craig smiled innocently and shrugged.
Shaking her head, Siobhan muttered ‘men’ and wandered off toward the far side of the patio set up as a dance floor.
“I don’t remember Grams putting this much effort into my thirtieth birthday.” Craig kept his gaze on the friends and family meandering about, all smiles and laughter, a handful on their way to three sheets to the wind.
“The girls always get more attention for their thirtieth than the boys. I think to offset a biological clock alarm.” Kyle took a sip of his blueberry lemonade.
“Does that still even exist?”
Kyle frowned at his brother. “Does what still exist?”
“Biological clock?” Craig responded.
“You’re kidding right?” The look of incredulity on Kyle’s face was photo worthy.
“No, I’m not kidding. Women aren’t in a hurry to walk down the aisle anymore and I don’t hear anyone warning against starting a family even into their forties.”
Kyle shrugged. “Times may be changing, but that biological clock is real. It may kick in later than it used to, but it’s still there. I think women just aren’t as nervous about hitting the snooze button.”
“Snooze button?” A mimosa in hand, Paige came up to her brothers. “Do I want to know what we’re sleeping through?”
“Biological clock,” the two siblings echoed.
The corners of Paige’s mouth tipped up in a cheeky smile in Kyle’s direction. “Getting ready to make the Governor a happy great-grandfather, are we?”
Kyle’s eyes opened wide and he took a step back shaking his hands. “Oh, no. Don’t even think it. Sure, we want kids some day, just not today.”
Paige laughed. “Chicken.”
“I’m with her.” Craig winked at his half-sister.
“Pot calling kettle black?” Kyle turned to his brother. “I don’t see you in any hurry to find a wife and start a family.”
“Hey, what can I say?” Craig flashed a smug smile. “We’re not all willing to drive a woman off the road to find a wife.”
“Okay,” Kyle sighed, “that was not on purpose.”
“Hey, guys.” Paige raised both her hands at her siblings. “Let’s call a truce.”
An older tune from his grandparents’ generation played from the speakers the DJ had set up near the dance floor. Craig noticed Eve and Jared stroll onto the floor like a pair of contestants on a TV dance show. “Damn, she looks good.”
Paige nodded. “Wait two minutes. Five dollars says they clear the dance floor.”
“You’re on.” Kyle nodded.
Craig frowned. Why the heck would they clear the floor? His gaze fixed on his oldest sister and her beau, he watched their faces. How had he missed how much in love these two were? Their gazes were locked like missiles on heat. As a matter of fact, he wouldn’t be at all surprised if the heat in their eyes didn’t set everything within a five-foot radius on fire.
“I’d swear, anyone would think those two had been dancing together all their lives.” The dreamy look on Paige’s face made Craig think maybe he should have paid more attention to his grandmother when she said women love to dance.
Of course, Lila Baron had also said that women love a man who plays the piano and none of his siblings ever bothered with piano lessons either. Except Mitch at one point, and Craig wasn’t all that sure his brother ever made it passed “Heart and Soul.”