Page 32 of Just One Take
“Fried chicken, cole slaw, home fried chips, and of course, fudge brownies. She tried to give us cake, but I figured the brownies would be more user-friendly.”
“What time are you picking up your friend?” The Governor glanced at his watch. “You’ve got a short window till dusk.”
“Actually, we decided it was silly for me to drive down to the burbs, come back here, then take her home, then drive back to the ranch again.”
His grandfather didn’t hold back a frown.
“I know.” Craig raised his hand. “But she insisted.”
The former Marine blew out a resigned sigh. “I’ll never understand modern women.”
Craig had to chuckle. He wasn’t all that sure there was a man on the planet who fully understood any woman, ancient, old-fashioned, modern, or futuristic.
“And I believe that’s your young lady.” The Governor pointed to the car pulling up in the front drive.
His young lady. Boy, did he like the sound of that.
“Don’t just stand there. Open the door for her,” his grandfather groused at him, banging the cane he didn’t really need on the floor. Some days the old man was more Marine than politician or family man. Tonight he was in full Marine mode.
Before Kate reached the top step, Craig held the front door open for her at the same time Hazel came running from the kitchen with a massive wicker basket in her arms. “I thought you might like a nice white wine to go with dinner.”
Accepting the basket from the older woman who had cared for the Barons for as long as he could remember, Craig leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Perfect. Thank you, Hazel.”
Like a schoolgirl, the woman giggled and blushed before turning on her heel and hurrying back to the kitchen.
Still standing in the doorway, Kate’s gaze dropped to the container now in Craig’s hands. “Nice basket.”
Craig nodded. “What’s inside is even nicer.”
Her nose to the air, Kate sniffed. “Is that,” a smile teased at the corners of her mouth, “brownies?”
“Maybe.” He shrugged, then letting out a low chuckle, he nodded. “Sorry. Yes. And I will let you know that Hazel makes the best brownies in the county.”
“That’s an awful big basket for brownies.”
“That’s because there’s more in here than just brownies.” Craig tapped the wicker. “But you’ll have to wait till we get where we’re going to find out.”
“Tease.” She raised her brows and flashed a grin that could have melted the ice caps in the North Pole.
“You two had better get moving or it will be dark before you know it.” The Governor leaned over and lifted up the dog that had followed him out of the parlor and was now tapping at his pant leg. “You know, you’re going to be too big for this soon.”
“That’s because you spoil them.” Grams came down the stairs, her gaze taking in the happenings in the foyer. “It’s lovely to see you again, Kate.”
“Thank you. It’s nice to see you again, too.”
“I hate to greet and run, Grams, but we’ll be late if we don’t get going.”
A few more words exchanged and they were out the door, piled into his Jeep, and on their way down the side road that led to the portion of Baron land he wanted to share with his new friend.
“Is this the part where you finally tell me where we’re going?” Kate tugged at her seatbelt.
“You already know from Hazel’s basket that we’re having a picnic dinner.”
She shrugged. “Well, I figured out that we’re having brownies for dessert. Does that count?”
“It does.” He couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Just having her beside him was the better part of his day, but knowing that what he planned to share would probably bring that huge heartwarming smile to her face, only made him want to grin even wider. How he hoped he hadn’t made the wrong choice for tonight.
“At least I have dessert figured out.” Kate’s day had been slammed. There wasn’t a blessed thing she could do about the owl’s nest except for Craig’s sake, hope the eggs hatched sooner than later. But she’d hoped to at least help speed up the situation with the hibernating bats. Despite having been on the phone with just about every contact she had in every environmental agency and government office even slightly related to the situation, she still came up empty-handed. She’d so wished to have good news for him tonight. There was no point in bringing up an unsuccessful effort to speed along the process of securing the property for the new studio. Oddly, as annoyed as she’d been with Craig for even considering the property after discovering the owl, right now, she really wanted to see everything work out for both him and the birds. Having spent her entire day talking to everyone and anyone she thought might be able to help, she’d also skipped lunch, which right about now left her starving. “Curiosity is killing me. How much farther?”