Page 34 of Just One Take
She shook her head. “No, thank you.” Her initial hunger appeased, she was now much more intrigued by the trees and what Craig had up his sleeve.
“If it helps any, I will tell you those trees are actually hiding the mouth of an old cave.”
“A cave? In the middle of a pasture?”
Craig shrugged. “Who am I to argue with Mother Nature?”
Nibbling on another piece of chicken, she wished Craig would just tell her what was happening.
“It’s about the right time.” He pulled out his phone and smiled at her. “Pay attention.”
“I am.” She didn’t dare drag her gaze away from the bottom of the hill. Though she did think he was nuts because any minute now, they’d be sitting at the top of a hill in the pitch black of night, eating food they wouldn’t be able to see. And then it happened. She heard a rustling sound and once she blinked, a rush of dark swooped up from the trees.
Within seconds the once darkening blue skies was almost covered in a wave of black specks flying up and over. The movement of wings and air created a rushing sound overhead. It took her another second to process the magnificent sight of black ribbons swirling like snakes against a now red, pink, and graying sky.Bats!
“Wow.” She dared steal a glance in his direction. If it was possible, his satisfied smile outdid the Cheshire Cat.
“Thought you’d like that.”
The rushing sound continued overhead as what felt like millions of bats flew around overhead before flying out of sight in search of food. Her hand over her mouth, she couldn’t find words for the amazing performance.
“As kids in the summer we used to lie here for hours waiting for night-time when they’d swoosh out of their caves. Of course, come fall they migrate south to warmer weather, but we all feel pretty privileged to have them here.”
“I’ve told myself for years that the next time I’m in Austin I was going to play tourist and watch the bats fly. This is so much better.” Without thinking, she twisted around and flung her arms around him. “Thank you!”
Chapter Thirteen
The feel of Kate enthusiastically pressed against him was a temptation too great to resist. Without thought, his arms settled around her waist and held her in place. As their gazes locked, the setting sun nearly gone, all he could see was the surprise in her eyes. He couldn’t for the life of him determine if that wide-eyed look was one of anticipation or distress. As far as he was concerned, there was only one way to find out.
Lowering his head, he hesitated only inches away from her face. Doing his best to read the bevy of emotions and thoughts behind her steady gaze, not seeing any signs of apprehension, he closed the gap between them. Letting their mouths meld in a gentle and tender kiss that tasted even sweeter than he’d expected. That same sweetness told him to back up before he got himself into trouble.
When he leaned back, but kept his hands loosely around Kate’s middle, he waited for a sign of whether or not he’d totally screwed things up. It took longer than he liked, but the tip of her tongue peeked out, moistening her lips, and then, to his utter delight, a sweet, slow smile stretched across her face.
“That was nice.”
His cheeks tugged eagerly at the corners of his lips. “Better than nice.”
Now he saw the blush creep across her cheeks and couldn’t think of anything more beautiful than Kate in the burgeoning moonlight. Closing his eyes a moment, he debated whether or not he dared to inch in for another kiss, or do the smarter thing and back up while he still had the good sense to do so. Everything in him screamed don’t let her go, except for the still small voice in the back of his head warning him only fools rush in.
Forcing his arms to relinquish their hold on her, he leaned fully away, carefully putting more distance between them. “Shall we finish dinner in the moonlight, or would you prefer to head back to the house and eat on real furniture?”
Her chin dipped as she seemed to study the quilt underneath them. “It’s a lovely night.”
That it was.
“The moonlight is pretty bright.”
This time he nodded and resisted the urge to kiss the exposed skin on her neck as she glanced up at the sky.
“Look at all those stars.”
It took everything in him to tear his gaze away from her and turn to the skies he knew so well.
“It’s hard to believe how close we are to Houston and yet I’ve never seen stars like this at my house.”
“No competing lights. Makes you understand why writers are always comparing the night sky to black velvet.”
“Diamonds on black velvet.”