Page 24 of Just One Taste
Daniel groaned.
“Don’t worry.” She patted his shoulder. “Your secret is safe with me.”
One song ended and seamlessly, another began. That was fine with her. Paige would have been delighted to stay this way forever.
As the music played, one couple passed by, the husband squinting at them. A moment later, that same couple spun around and craning his neck, the poor man practically fell over looking at them.
“I think you have a fan.”
Without looking in the direction she pointed with her chin, Daniel shook his head. “No. He just can’t get over how beautiful you are.”
“Ha,” she smiled, “does that line usually work for you?”
“Don’t know. I don’t ever say it.”
The air grew suddenly thick around them. There wasn’t a lick of humor in his eyes, only an intensity that seemed to see through to her soul.
“Excuse me.” The man who had been twisting and turning to get a better view of Daniel finally stopped at their side. “You’re Daniel Dupree?”
The way Daniel hesitated, for a moment she thought he was going to deny it, but he finally nodded. “I am.”
“I thought so.” The man let go of his wife and began fishing in his pockets. “Honey, do you have a pen and paper?”
Suddenly an arm appeared between them holding a napkin. At the other end, a much younger man stood smiling at them, making no pretense of wanting to dance. He couldn’t have been more than twenty years old. “Could I have an autograph too, please?”
It hadn’t taken long for murmurs to spread through the room and for Daniel to find himself back at the table signing napkins, coasters, and even the back of one man’s shirt. When all those who wanted autographs had returned to their tables or to dancing, Daniel took a long sip of water and then, shaking his head, smiled at her. “I can’t believe that just happened.”
Paige held back a grin and shrugged. “We keep telling you thisisa hockey town. Not can be.” She leaned forward. “Is.”
For the life of her, she couldn’t read the look in his eyes, but she hoped more than she’d ever hoped before that if hockey brought Daniel Dupree into her world, hockey would keep him here.
Chapter Eleven
There was no getting Paige off his mind. Daniel knew he should be prepping for the next group of cities on his itinerary. Somehow he’d managed to at least pack his bags for his departure tomorrow morning, but even with that simple a task, his thoughts repeatedly wandered back to the striking brunette with a tender heart and quick wit that had firmly rooted herself in a corner of his own heart.
Today was an important day for her at the winery. She’d explained about the competition, but try as he might, he’d focused on the way her eyes danced with pure excitement as she spoke passionately about the possibilities even placing could mean for the Baron Winery. Any details she may have mentioned had pretty much gone in one ear and out the other.
Having given up on getting any real work done today, he opted instead to head to the winery. See for himself why Paige was so excited. By now, he’d learned his way without need of the GPS. What did that say? Almost to the winery, he slowed as he drove past the old homestead set back from the road. A brick building with wrap around porch and boarded up windows, the old place had most definitely seen better days. More than once, Paige had lamented on what a shame whoever owned the property had not kept it up, but it was the glint of something akin to yearning in her eyes whenever they drove by that had him asking himself what stories did that old house have to tell and why didn’t anyone want it?
Pulling into the parking lot and looking around, he saw fewer cars than he’d expected. Maybe he was here too early. A sign on the tasting room door declared it closed for a private event. Ignoring the sign, he cupped his eyes to see inside. Quickly, he spotted Paige bustling around and tapped the glass.
Her brow knit together with irritation, she glanced up. There was no mistaking the moment she recognized him. A smile bloomed across her face. He understood how a proud peacock must feel. His chest puffed out more than a little, knowing he’d been the one to put that smile on her face.
The latch clicked as she unlocked the door. “Hey.”
“I couldn’t stay away.” He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips that was nothing like what he really wanted to do.
“As nice as that is to hear,” she stepped aside to let him all the way in, “I’m running a bit like a chicken without a head right now.”
“Then today is your lucky day.” He made a gesture as if pushing up nonexistent sleeves. “As it turns out, rolling up my sleeves and getting to work is my specialty. What do you need from me?”
She cocked her head and chuckled lightly. “Surely, you have more important things to do than help me?”
“Never.” He lifted his arms out to his sides. “Use me how you like.”
For a moment he saw a flash of surprise in her eyes that immediately gave way to a flicker of something that made him go warm all over before she shook her head and sighed. “Honestly, I can use the help. I’m glad you’re here.”
She led him into the tasting room. Paper placemats sat on the bar. Someone had drawn perfectly round circles on them. “I need a glass on each circle.”