Page 28 of Just One Taste
“How’s the world traveler? More limousines and top-of-the-line suites? Has anyone offered you their firstborn?”
Daniel chuckled. Not their firstborn, but an unforgettable granddaughter. “No offers like that.”
There was a brief pause in his brother’s response. “You sound odd right now. If you’re tired of being wined and dined, you could come back and hit the boards.”
Intuitively, his hand dropped to rub his knee. Just thinking about actually playing hockey again made his leg ache from toe to hip. No one loved playing hockey more than he had, and for a very long time, resentment at not being able to play again had been as much of a sore spot as his injuries. Now, whether he stayed with the job he knew he loved or took the plunge to give coaching a shot, no matter how he sliced it, his hockey playing days were not coming back. “No, thanks.”
“Then what’s going on?” All teasing slipped from his brother’s voice.
His brother knew him too well. There’d be no hiding his interest in Paige from Henry, but more importantly, Daniel didn’t want to keep her to himself anymore. “I met a woman.”
“I knew it. I sensed a disturbance in the force. Another groupie?”
The rush of anger that rose inside surprised Daniel. “It’s not like that.”
Daniel sucked in a calming breath. “She’s special.”
“Does this mean that Houston is on the shortlist?”
“They have a lot to offer.”
“They or she?”
“The city checks a lot of the boxes we need. Even more.” Having lowered his voice the way he would when he was reproving a junior player, Daniel wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince of his impartiality, his brother or himself. “The decision has nothing to do with Paige.”
“Paige. Pretty name.” His brother’s smile came through the line as clearly as his words. “Does the rest of her match?”
“Watch it.” The words came out more like a growl.
“Whoa. Take it easy.” Henry paused. “Are we talking serious?”
“Maybe.” He hoped more than maybe.
“Just how serious? Sharing the sheets or wedding rings and pitter patter of little feet?”
Images of his holding the hands of a toddler version of Paige as he leaned forward on skates teaching her how to walk across the ice brought a wide smile to his face.
“Holy hockey pucks. You’re thinking about the whole shebang, aren’t you?”
Daniel nodded as if his brother could see him. Before he could find words to explain what he was feeling, his phone clicked with another call. “It’s my boss. I better answer this.”
“Go, but I’m waiting for you to call back. You don’t drop a bomb that you’re in love and then run off.”
He didn’t have time to argue with his brother. The call disconnected and the phone switched to his boss. “Hello.”
“Daniel. We’ve got some changes. This looks like it might shift those precious spreadsheets of yours.”
He couldn’t fathom anyone coming up with a more positive front than Houston but he nodded at the phone and braced for what it could be. “What’s up?”
“Looks like someone from Salt Lake has been sleeping under your bed.”
“What?” Now he wondered if the committee chair, his boss since he’d come aboard the Comets’ team, had been drinking his lunch today.
“They’ve heard that the Barons and Houston are pulling out all the stops.”
These things happened. The Comets wanting to move was no secret in the sports world.