Page 4 of Azriel
It was no wonder women never showed him any attention except for that one who gave him a handjob, but he’d heard he wasn’t the first or the last to get that treatment from her. She'd probably wanted to see if his pubic hair was orange. It was.
He always tried to be nice and polite when he was in the presence of a woman, and he hoped maybe someone would like his personality, but it was hopeless.
He couldn’t blame them. There were loads of much better-looking men who were bigger, stronger, and didn’t have hair that looked like carrot shavings. Why would any woman want to wake up every morning next to him and take the risk of babies with potential carrot-colored hair?
The only action he got was from the dirty angel who tied him up. He still didn’t get that or entirely know what to think, but he wanted it to come back.
It didn’t mean he was gay or anything. He just wanted a handjob and would have to settle. That was it. Being tied up and gagged hadn’t been so bad either once he got over his fear. He was definitely not into men. Not like that. The angel was the only gay one.
He wished the angel had said what his name was.
Maybe he would come back in the daytime. At least Vali could see it better, and he really wanted to look at the angel’s wings.
Vali hung around in his room while he read for a while. He was doodling on some scrap parchment when he heard a creak in the attic and figured birds had gotten in again. Great. Bird poop everywhere. Thank God they didn’t keep anything of much importance up there.
Of course, the angel didn’t come to give him any action. He spent some time staring out the window and wondered if his Father would think he was terribly ugly and be ashamed to have a kid with hideous orange hair.
The answer was probably yes.
His face flamed when he thought of the tiny scar on his tailbone. Father probably would have flipped if he’d known his offspring had been born with a tail. According to Mother, the midwife had said she’d only seen that once. It was supposed to be extremely rare, but sometimes, a person could be born with it because the tailbone somehow extended out while the baby was growing in the womb.
He didn’t know why, and they’d cut it off to spare him more shame while growing up. He had never dared to tell people because he could imagine the nicknames he’d have received if anyone knew that.
He waited up quite late and figured the angel handjob was a one-time thing. Maybe the angel would go make smoke and pearls with other angels or fulfill a different human's fantasy. Vali had no idea what they did in their spare time. As usual, he fell asleep without a shirt on.
The weight was suffocating, and his heart rate soared as his own pillow was pushed onto his face. He screamed, but the pillow muffled it. Maybe it was just the angel. He’d fallen asleep on his back, so it was making do.
His wrists were yanked up, bound with rope, and tied to the bars of his headboard. The pillow was only lifted so he could be gagged like last night. With the pillow still covering the top half of his face, he felt feathers brush him as his attacker shifted. It was the angel. For whatever reason, he was still kind of forceful with Vali even though he’d been compliant last night once he’d been secured.
He tried to plead through the gag to at least let him talk. He wouldn’t scream or anything. The angel ignored his muffled voice and ran his hands down Vali’s chest as it straddled him.
Maybe it was afraid that Vali didn’t want this, and it needed that angel food or it would die. Vali tested the ropes and knew he wasn’t going anywhere. Now that he knew who was here, and that he wouldn’t be truly hurt, he got a strange thrill from being tied down like this. Helpless. Completely at someone’s mercy. It wasn’t a woman about to ride his dick, but it was the closest he’d get.
His cock was already taking an interest, and his excitement only increased when he felt his sleep pants being loosened. The angel paused after he hooked a finger on either side, like he wasn’t sure about this, and his breathing grew a little ragged.
Why was he waiting for so long? Impatient, Vali lifted his hips a little and hoped that came across as a “yes, please.” Maybe the gag would be removed, and he could ask the angel’s name. As his sleep pants were finally slid down, he kept his hips up the best he could to make it easier. The angel shifted to remove the sleep pants entirely.
Vali spread his legs, further inviting the attention. The angel straddled him and didn’t move for a bit. Vali’s cock was like a post, and when the angel finally grasped him, its grip seemed hesitant. Maybe Vali was imagining it. Either way, he couldn’t help but moan and try to fuck the angel’s hand. Maybe it was teasing him since he figured it had to be pretty clear how much he wanted this.
The angel started stroking him.
The pillow blocking his eyes was pulled away. In the barely there light, he saw its wings and pale hair, but he couldn’t make out the face even with the white smoke forming.
If he had a fantasy of being forced, maybe the angel had one of doing the forcing. Since it was a higher being, perhaps it somehow knew what Vali wanted, and that’s why it came to him. Perhaps the little white pearl it made was secondary. It was a pretty odd thing for a guardian angel to come fulfill his sexual fantasies, but Vali wasn’t complaining.
He thrust his hips up into the grip, and the angel gave him a few vigorous strokes before he released him. He whined, but he saw a glint and remembered the angel carried oil. Was it holy oil?
The drops were cold on his dick, but it warmed up fast once the angel fisted both of their cocks together and started stroking them.
Vali let himself sink into the pleasure and rolled his hips. The angel’s breath quickened, and as it tilted his head, Vali noticed something else shiny. He'd thought the things sticking up were stray bits of hair at first, but they seemed too solid.
Were angels supposed to have horns? Paintings never showed that, but who could say they’d seen a real angel and painted what it looked like? It couldn’t be a demon because why would they have feathery wings?
The angel sighed as the smoke swirled, and he kept working them off. Vali’s breathing picked up too, and before long, his nuts tightened. The angel groaned, and Vali thrust up, seeking more friction as he mumbled nonsense through the gag.
His whole body stiffened, and he arched his back as he came. Whether the angel had been ready or his pleasure had been spurred on from that, Vali didn’t know, but the angel grunted as he finished too.